Wednesday, January 30, 2013

[EzineArticles] "Who Is My Audience?!" Top 7 Steps to Discovering Your Ideal Audience

"Who Is My Audience?!" Top 7 Steps to Discovering Your Ideal Audience Logo

"Stop wasting your time writing articles your audience isn't interested in. Build exposure, increase credibility, and create incredible value for yourself and your audience by writing articles your audience wants to read and share."

Sounds reasonable, right?

You sit down, ready to channel your value into an article, but there's a catch ... you don't know who your audience is!

Use these tips to discover who your audience is and how you can open the door to new audiences.

Top 7 Steps to Find Your Ideal Audience

1. Who Are They?

From family to customers or clients, identify each segment of your current audience.

2. Who Do You Want?

Identify new segments that you ideally want to add to your current audience. Consider their obstacles or their needs that prevent them from deepening their involvement with your platform.

3. Create Profiles

Create a persona for each of your audience segments. Consider demographics, hobbies, professions, needs, wants, troubles, knowledge, perceptions, and common goals. Identify what value you're able to tailor to each segment.

4. Find the Hard Truths

Ask, survey, etc. Find out what attracts your current audience to your platform and what's holding your ideal audience back. Is it not knowing everything that's available to them? Is it because they don't think it's for them?

5. Join Your Audience

Research, network, and subscribe. Gain a strong footing in your niche by understanding how others in your niche are engaging with their audience. Identify the buzz they create, what they write about, and how they engage with their audience (e.g., social networks, newsletters, tweets of recently published articles, etc.).

6. Engage, Engage, Engage!

Start engaging, commenting, and writing useful content that solves problems, answers questions, and overall provide interesting topics that are being sought out by your audience.

7. Uncover Search Terms

Use your 5 Traffic Search Terms to find out how your current audience is searching for you as well as how new audience members find you! Continue refining these terms to write new articles as you work to find and refine your audience.

"Knowledge is power."

Knowing the above top 7 tips will help you strategically plan all aspects of your platform, not just article writing. Consider who you are, how you create unique value for each segment of your audience, and what informative solutions you can offer for their benefit. Give your efforts power with these tips to deepen your current audience's involvement, increase and diversify their participation, foster their loyalty, as well as open the door to new audiences.

Did you know Premium subscribers get up to 30 top Traffic Search Terms?

Non-Premium members (i.e., Basic, Basic Plus, Platinum, and Diamond) only receive the top 5 keywords readers used to find their articles. With a Premium subscription, you will get up to 30!

This added intelligence allows you to:

  • Integrate rich keywords into your article titles to reach audiences.
  • Incorporate targeted keywords into your Resource Box to increase your search power
  • Refine keywords and articles to help you precisely find your ideal audience.
  • Achieve a competitive edge in your niche with the added intelligence!

Upgrade your EzineArticles membership with a Premium subscription today:

How do tune in to your audience? Share your comments or questions - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Are 3 Resource Boxes enough for your needs? If not, get the convenience and laser targeting of 12 with a Premium Membership. Learn how at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Leon Noone "I'll keep writing as long as you keep publishing!"

I'm very pleased with my experience with you and the help you've provided since you first published me in 2008. I'll keep writing as long as you keep publishing!

Leon Noone

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Monday, January 28, 2013

[EzineArticles] Increase Your Exposure and Traffic with Prewritten Titles

Increase Your Exposure and Traffic with Prewritten Titles Logo

Do Your Titles Speak to Readers?

Your article says volumes about your expertise, as it rightly should. After all, who knows better than you what your niche is about? But what about your title? Does it merely whisper of the content that your article delivers, or does it catch your reader's attention and immediately highlight what's already on their inquiring mind?

When you sit down to write, think about what your audience is looking for. You already have the meat of your content ready to display in your article; your job now is to show them what you're serving up with a clear picture of what they're about to digest. Your title should be the tasty morsel that will have them exclaiming "love at first bite!"

Why Your Titles Are Important

With information bombarding us every day, everyone's used to filtering out derivative content. Your readers are choosy in their quest for good, juicy tidbits of info. They want content that's unique and can deliver on their behalf. Your title needs to "stand up" so to speak since your audience is constantly sending out a call to attention to you, the Expert Author. You have the opportunity to assert yourself and your brand, and your title is the first impression you make; no one gets a do over.

Points to Remember With Your Title

  • Avoid spammy, keyword stuffed titles. A title that's grammatically correct will reach your reader much better than one that's bogged down with junk.
  • What's your point? Is it dull or sharp? Try to express in as few words as possible what your article is about. The first few words your reader sees will determine whether they continue on to view your content or simply pass up your article.
  • Tell the truth. Being poked with Pinocchio's nose hurts; so don't do it with your title. Deliver on your title's promise and build trust with your audience.
  • Be clear and transparent. Is your title squeaky clean or is it cluttered? Don't trip up your reader with a confusing title.

Need Help? Save Writing Time and Get Optimized Title Suggestions

Let's face it, ideas don't always fall from the sky into your lap. If you're having a tough time coming up with a title, or just need some ideas, prewritten titles can help you save time and gain exposure. In your account, you will find Title Suggestions within the Write & Edit tab. Written by our title writing team, these titles are based on top searched keywords and phrases as well as the thoughts and questions currently trending in your niche.

Don't believe the Title Suggestions will work for you? Meet Expert Author Janet Alston Jackson, who told us about how she found success with her Title Suggestions:

"... I gained instant traffic to my website, people joining my list, and a potential huge contract because of the suggested titles from the EzineArticles Writing Team. I am using these suggestions weekly so I don't have to guess what people are looking for. Over the years since I have been writing for Ezine Articles (2008), I may have gotten four hits on a title in a week. When I tried a suggested title from EzineArticles, "How to De-Stress After an Argument," I got 18 hits in one day from the EzineArticles site and 20 on my personal blog. Almost 40 views just in one day.

"I knew article writing was the key for me to market, but I just wasn't getting the traffic. Now I am FIRED UP!!! Way to go EzineArticles!!! I feel you are part of my team."

Click here to find titles that will not only help to optimize the subject of your article, but also inspire future ones!

Have you tried Title Suggestions or questions? Click here and contribute your comments!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Do you know the top 30 keywords readers use to find your articles? You can with an EzineArticles Premium Membership. Find out how at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Kym Gordon Moore "You guys are simply the BEST!" is truly a reputable directory article site that gives so many writers an opportunity to publish their work and have it exposed to a huge global audience. You guys are simply the BEST!

Kym Gordon Moore

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I Have A Good News For You

Friday, January 25, 2013

[EzineArticles] Flex Your Writing Muscles To Give Your Article Portfolio Strength

Flex Your Writing Muscles To Give Your Article Portfolio Strength Logo

Tips to Get Back on Track With Your Goals to Build Exposure and Increase Traffic

Did you set out to make a "fresh start" because the new year was the "perfect time" to improve upon some area of your life? For most of us, we resolve to become more fit whether it be through cardio or strength training. However, a couple weeks in, some of us fall back into the good old comfortable standby: laziness. Why? Well, it's just easier that way and who's watching?

As an Expert Author, this situation can be all too familiar. The new year gave you a "fresh start" which was the "perfect time" to make goals: write more articles, build exposure, and increase traffic back to your blog or website. However, with each passing week, is your article portfolio expanding or is it stagnating? Staying on track isn't always a smooth ride; it takes dedication.

Top 7 Insider Tips to Get Back on Track

Rekindle your motivation to build exposure with quality, original articles and get closer to achieving your resolutions with writing "strength" training:

  • Inspiration: A couch potato is the only vegetable that's not good for you. They shouldn't be allowed in a gym or at your writing desk. Some people have buddies or workout partners to motivate them. What "buddy" do you use to motivate you to write? Is it music? Maybe meditation? Or even reading the local or world news on various websites? Find your motivation to gain fodder to incorporate into your newest article. Whatever it takes, run with it and write with it!
  • Stretch: Athletes know for certain it's important to stretch before exercise - your flexibility and circulation improves, along with balance and coordination. Stretch your knowledge by researching current trends in your niche. Embrace the flow of ideas and start writing!
  • Form: The best bodybuilder will tell you that form is crucial in executing the perfect lift. Can your article say the same? From the top of your title, all through your article body, and down to your resource box, be sure all the important quality markers are there to support the content you're delivering. Is it attention grabbing? Is it filled to the brim with quality? Is it chock full of informative value?
  • Stance: After you've exhausted your breath with the last rep you did, are you shaky or confident? As a writer, you've written your last word; now think about how your article stands. Is it positioned correctly for your niche? Stand tall with ALL of your knowledge, not just some of it. After all, you're the expert!
  • Intervals: Interval training, alternating between running and jogging, can be intense, but incredibly rewarding because it requires all of your effort. When it comes to your writing, the intensity you put into your efforts can be just as rewarding. Show off what you know. Flesh out your expertise, don't tease it out by laying it on the table for your readers to see. You've worked hard for it!
  • Nutrition: A boxer needs the proper diet to perform the fancy footwork that's needed in the ring, otherwise his opponent will have a clear advantage. Proteins, fruits and veggies, grains, and plenty of liquids are important to keep him moving efficiently. Sluggishness happens to all of us. Ask yourself, "what can I improve?" What you put in your body also affects how your mind functions. How about a healthy dose of caffeine before you write? A clear thought process is needed to pack a punch.
  • Hydration: Who can forget this one? You're not going to get very far in a marathon without hydrating to fuel your efforts - in fact, you will stumble and fall. Likewise, when you've finished your article, proofread diligently to be sure what you've written is just as fluid and delivers your message without any embarrassing hiccups.

Either get back on track with your efforts or start now by resolving to build exposure and increase traffic with article writing. There is no time like the present: Keep on task with your writing efforts, give your articles a well rounded "workout," and watch your portfolio grow to become one that comes with all the bragging rights it deserves.

How do you stay motivated in your efforts? What do you do to give your article portfolio strength and flex your writing muscles? Click here to share your comments - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Get your questions answered quickly with an EzineArticles Premium Membership subscription. Find out more at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
David Greene "The benefits will be dramatic"

EzineArticles has been one of the best Internet marketing decisions I've made over the years. One thing that is important with Internet marketing is to produce content consistently, not once a month. The benefits ... will be dramatic in that regard. The whole process is a marathon, not a sprint!

David Greene

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

[EzineArticles] Facebook Gives Link Love: More Real Estate for Links and What it Means for You

Facebook Gives Link Love: More Real Estate for Links and What it Means for You Logo

Did you notice Facebook's update to posts featuring links in your news feed?

Previously, links posted on Facebook featured a 90 pixels x 90 pixels preview image and brief summary. Now, images have been upgraded to an enormous 154 pixels x 154 pixels and a longer link summary.

What does this mean for you?

When fighting for real estate on your audience's Facebook news feed, more real estate is now given to links in order to help better serve users and help you reach your audience.

What does this mean?

  • Facebook's link love increases balance between link, status, photo, and video posts for enhanced user experience.
  • Photos can be shared as PHOTOS instead of conduits of links (if you think the photo linking was working, let's be frank: links on photos were rarely clicked).
  • Your exposure and user engagement is amplified by directing friends and followers to your articles or website.

Here are two essential keys to bear in mind in order to take advantage of Facebook's link love update:

1. Your Expert Author Profile Photo

For your articles published on EzineArticles, Facebook link previews will feature your Expert Author Profile photo with a snippet of your article summary. Ensure these photos are at least 154 pixels tall; e.g., an author image that is 160 pixels x 240 pixels meets the requirement.

Don't believe us? Check out the image below for the difference between the following shared links featuring separate articles by Doris Chow (first photo below: 160px × 240px) and Leah Fisch (second photo below: 150px × 150px).

Haven't uploaded your Expert Author Profile photo or would like to update your existing photo?

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Select the Profile tab, and then select Edit Image.
  3. Select Upload New Image and select the image you would like to use from your computer.
  4. If necessary, crop area or rotate the photo.
  5. Once you're satisfied with your Profile Photo, select Save.*

*All photos are subject to an editorial review process to ensure validity and uphold the member's credibility.

2. Your Blog or Website Should Be Facebook Ready

For non-EzineArticles links, like your blog or website, ensure the site includes images larger than 154 pixels x 154 pixels in your Open Graph tags to take advantage of the larger preview format. Any images smaller than this will be not be given prominence in the user's Facebook news feed. Not familiar with Open Graph? Facebook's Open Graph allows web developers to integrate their platform with the Facebook platform; e.g., Like Button. For more information about Open Graph, click here.

Take advantage of this great way to increase engagement with your audience AND your exposure. Give yourself a little link love by ensuring your author photo is at least 154 pixels tall and your website provides a 154 pixels x 154 pixels image for your Facebook links.

Questions? Comments? Click here to visit this post online to share your insight!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Take control of your article's publication schedule with an EzineArticles Premium Membership subscription. Sign up today!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Bruce Kaler M.D. "... establish your voice and brand ..."

The marketing principle of giving away of something of value for free in order to sell something else, resonated with me. It is also a way to establish your voice and brand in a more structured professional manner than typical social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, et al. They have their place and are useful to an author/writer. However, the growth of the internet creates a huge demand for quality content. I still think the key is to write "quality content". If it is well written, accessible, and of timely interest to people it will get plenty of attention. EzineArticles is a wonderful reservoir of good content on many topics.

Bruce Kaler M.D.

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Monday, January 21, 2013

[EzineArticles] Time Is of the Essence: Reach Your Audience When They Want to Read Your Articles

Time Is of the Essence: Reach Your Audience When They Want to Read Your Articles Logo

Before you ask yourself "why aren't people reading my articles?!" consider this:

Are you writing what they want to hear? If so, are you arriving too late to the game?

Here are some easy, timely article writing tips to ensure you're spot on with your audience and on target with your goals.

"Who is this for anyway?"

As obvious as this first point is, it's easily forgotten: Who are you writing for? Your motivation (above all else) should be to meet the needs and wants of your audience. Set aside at least 30 minutes for a brainstorm session to consider the following questions:

  • What are your audience's most pressing problems?
  • What motivates them?
  • What do they want to know and why?
  • What obstacles are they facing?
  • How can they fix it and reach their goal?

"Okay, now what do I do with the answers?"

  • Capture your reader's attention by applying these elements to the title, summary, and introduction.
  • Answer these questions within the framework of your article.
  • Bear these elements in mind when you are brainstorming and always think: "What would your reader do?"
  • Tie in your USP (unique selling proposition) with your CTA (call-to-action) in your Resource Box by providing additional relevant resources, products, or services that may help the reader more easily reach their goal.

"We Serve Fresh Articles!"

Originality is more than the article being unique to you. It also means it's fresh to your niche. Staying up-to-date with the latest events and then showing your readers how those events impact them is a great way of becoming a timely, authoritative source they can rely on. Subscribe to news topics, newsletters, pages, etc. Follow sources on social media and always consider how an event impacts your readers.

"Strike it while it's hot!"

Hot topics have expiration dates - don't sit on an opportunity to write a timely article! Beat other experts to the punch by being the first to provide informative, quality content for your niche's readership. This also may include improving your article drafting-to-publishing turnaround (i.e., the time it takes to write, edit, submit, and publish an article). Don't arrive too late to the field because you spend several days drafting an article and then let its timely relevance expire in an editorial review queue. Inspiration strikes? Roll with it and write it.

"Isn't the question always a matter of when?"

Find your audience's "prime time." Monitor your website's traffic as well as seek out informational sources about the dynamics and demographics of your audience. For example, if Tuesdays are high-impact days for your social media accounts (i.e., when your audience is most active on that platform), then promote your articles on Tuesdays! Experiment, survey, and gather data to find out when your audience is more likely to read your content and then publish it when it is most likely to succeed.

Next time you set out to write your next articles, bear these above tips in mind to reach your audience when they want to read your articles. In doing so, you'll increase your credibility, exposure, as well as increase traffic back to your blog or website. Have questions or suggestions? Click here to visit this post online and contribute your valuable thoughts and insights - we'd love to hear from you!

Make reaching your audience more convenient for YOU!

Our Premium Membership Scheduled Article Release benefit allows you to publish your articles when you know they'll be most effective. Scheduling your articles also means you don't "dump" them on your most loyal readers, which could potentially reduce the traffic you receive from them. This Premium benefit also allows you to target your article release to the best time for your niche, which means greater exposure for you as your audience will be more likely to read your article (great for international audiences!). Premium's Scheduled Article Release is not only more convenient, it can make a huge difference in your readership.

Click here to start scheduling your articles with your Premium Membership today.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: In article writing and marketing, speed matters. Increase yours with an EzineArticles Premium Membership! Discover how at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Gerald Gillis "... professionalism and excellence ..."

EzineArticles has impressed me with their standards of professionalism and excellence. I am happy to be one of their authors.

Gerald Gillis

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

[EzineArticles] Don't Let Quality Take a Back Seat in Your Articles (VIDEO)

Don't Let Quality Take a Back Seat in Your Articles (VIDEO) Logo
Avoid Frustration and Confusion: Maintain Quality to Maintain Credibility

You might think you're saving time by skipping the proofreading step, but let's get that notion out of the way:

Bad writing habits, like poor grammar, are annoying.

Your readers and competition scoff at poor grammar because even if they've made the mistake, they love to point out other people's mistakes. Publishers hate it because they can't publish articles with poor grammar. And finally, you hate it because it's a punch in the face to your credibility and it's a complete waste of your time.

Don't believe us? Check out why you shouldn't let quality take a back seat in your articles in this quick video.

Downloadable Versions:
WMV Format     MOV Format     MV4 Format     MP3 Format

Avoid confusion and frustration. Don't let quality take a back seat in your articles.

Try the following resources to help you save time and get more out of your efforts without sacrificing quality:

Like this video? Click here to visit this post online to share your comments!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Don't forget about our Premium benefits package. It can help you save time to get more for your bottom line. Find out how at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Nigel Brooks " has worked out extremely well ..."

The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reminder about your invitation from Zoran Simovic

This is a reminder that on December 22, Zoran Simovic sent you an invitation to become part of their professional network at LinkedIn.
On December 22, Zoran Simovic wrote:

> To: []
> From: Zoran Simovic []
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> Build your professional network, discover opportunities, and keep in touch with me on LinkedIn.
> - Zoran
You are receiving Reminder emails for pending invitations. Unsubscribe.
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Monday, January 14, 2013

[EzineArticles] Fast Response Time '1' Time Wasted '0'

Fast Response Time '1' Time Wasted '0' Logo

"Know what I mean?"
"Uh, not really."

If you've ever had this conversation with someone, then you know what problems this creates for you both. If you cannot connect with your customers, then how do you remain relevant? Easy answer: You don't.

You can't afford to be irrelevant and invisible because you'll be easily replaced. So how do you avoid this?

You provide timely product and deliver great service. This advice is as equally important to us. Providing you with timely responses and great member service is our #1 goal because we know that contacting us can sometimes put a hitch in your day. You expect answers and you don't want to wait.

How-To Gain/Give Faster Response Times!

  • Don't wait. When you have a question, ask it! It's what we're here for. The longer you wait, the more frustration settles in and the more intrusive you become to meeting your own goals. The same applies to your customers. Give them fast responses to their questions while it's still fresh in their minds.
  • Short and sweet. 140 characters or less please. Just kidding! Jokes aside, this isn't the time to write a book. Keep in mind the value of your time and get to the point. The faster we get through your question, the faster response we can provide you and the faster you can move on.
  • Provide some detail. Reference your article title or use the topic selections when you can as it helps us provide a relevant response to your question instead of a generalization. Provide an easy way for your customers to contact you. Sometimes they don't know, so help them along by providing prompts.

With a wide variety of questions consisting of writer's block, discovering important content writing skills, or simply, "I don't know why my article was rejected. Please help!" you can contact our Member Support team a number of ways:

  • Send us a message from your by selecting Contact Us from the upper-left corner of the interface to get in the priority response lane. From there, select a Topic and Sub-topic that best fits your scenario to further streamline your inquiry.

Or ...

Remember: If you're not providing your customers with a fast, satisfying experience, someone else will. So get your questions out of the way and save your time for what really matters: your customers.

P.S. Purchase the Premium Membership subscription to bypass the wait and jump to the front of the line. This subscription reduces your Member Support wait time as well as your article review time.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: If you've never considered a Premium membership before, now might just be the time! We've recently slashed prices nearly 50% on all subscription lengths. Take a look!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Lee Binz "I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers."

I started article writing when I started my newsletter in late 2006. At that time, I had about 25 subscribers - mostly friends and family. Since then I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers.

Lee Binz

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Friday, January 11, 2013

[EzineArticles] EzineArticles Premium: Same Great Quality for LESS

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Sign Up for an EzineArticles Premium Membership

Did you know that there's a way you can ...

  • Skip the 4-7 day wait on article reviews?
  • Get comparative data that will help you improve your articles to get more exposure (and therefore increase traffic to your blog or website)?
  • Gain access to more Resource Boxes for greater control?
  • Access priority member support for faster response time?
  • Have the ability to schedule articles?

If you want all of these benefits and more, then you want what successful Expert Authors are already taking advantage of: Premium Membership. And now you can too with a more affordable subscription!

On January 1st, we slashed the prices on Premium Membership subscriptions by nearly 50% for all subscription lengths so act now! These prices may not be around forever. We are testing this new pricing by making it more accessible to more EzineArticles members so you can get the power of a Premium subscription for a lot less. You'll get the same great quality for LESS!

Discover how an EzineArticles Premium Membership subscription can help you in this quick video!

Downloadable Versions:
WMV Format     MOV Format     MV4 Format     MP3 Format

Sign up now and start using your Premium Membership today!

P.S. The EzineArticles Article Templates prices have also gone down a whopping 57% (for just $19.97)! With the 52 article templates, you'll increase your exposure fast by building a huge article library quickly and easily. You'll not only get dozens of great new article ideas, you'll also get the recommended structure for each article. This will save you loads of time and help you conquer some of the more challenging aspects of great article writing. Click here for more details!

Marc, EzineArticles Communications ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Marc, Communications Manager

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Jeff Herring "Premium service will more than pay for itself."

If you are serious about Article Marketing then you need to understand that your investment in the Premium service will more than pay for itself.

Being able to have your articles approved quickly is great, my favorite feature is being able to schedule the release of your articles in advance.

Jeff Herring

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