Tuesday, December 31, 2013

[EzineArticles] Looking Back on 2013: Top 20 Article Writing and Content Marketing Posts

Looking Back on 2013: Top 20 Article Writing and Content Marketing Posts EzineArticles.com Logo

Wow! Look at All of These Great Article Writing and Content Marketing Tips!

From Expert Author Interests and Content Marketing tips to Top Misused Words and other Grammar Tips, we publish dozens upon dozens of posts on the EzineArticles Blog every year.

These posts may be overflowing with tips, strategies, insights, infographics, and more, but it's the growing number of commenters who offer their own insights and feedback that makes the Blog a thriving community of information and discussion.

In case you missed them or forgot to bookmark them for reference and inspiration, here are the Top 20 EzineArticles Blog Posts of 2013 and don't forget to leave a comment to join the discussion:

#20 - Stop Keyword Stuffing! What It Is and How to Avoid It
Abusing the power of keywords can have ill effects: A poor user experience, rejected articles, and a spammy website. Discover exactly what it is and how to avoid keyword stuffing.
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#19 - 10 Tips to Be Kind to Writers
Writing can be a tough job! Take a moment to share your thoughts and compassion. Try one or all of these 10 tips to show your appreciation for writers.
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#18 - Are You Connecting with Your Audience? 5 Tips to Write Compelling Articles
Writing compelling articles and motivating readers to truly become vested makes a tremendous difference in activating your call-to-action with terrific click-through power. Grab hold of your audiences' attention with these 5 writing strategies.
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#17 - 30 Time-Saving Tips to Free Up More Time to Write
Not enough hours in the day? Over committed? Stop using "I'm too busy" as an excuse and start writing. Master one or all of these strategies to add more time to your day and write.
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#16 - Descriptive Writing Examples and Methods to Engage Readers
Begin writing engaging descriptions using valuable (but not superfluous!) language. Use these tips and examples to start writing in objective and subjective styles as well as explore how analogies, similes, and metaphors can be employed to your benefit.
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#15 - 20 Writing Exercises and Tips for Expert Authors
Feel the cold grip of writer's block or need a jumpstart? Keep your pen moving and the ink flowing with these writing exercises and tips!
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#14 - Book Review Article Template
Reading is a fantastic way to improve your knowledge base, enhance your problem solving skills, reduce stress, and even advance your writing style. Use it as an opportunity to build your article portfolio by writing book reviews with this article template.
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#13 - Considering Editing Your Live Articles? Top 5 Editing Mistakes
Should you edit an already live article? There are a few instances when editing a live article may be advantageous; however, there are at least 5 instances when it is not. Ensure your time isn't wasted using these tips.
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#12 - EzineArticles Asks: What's Your Favorite Blog Post or Series?
We chatted with the EzineArticles Blog Community over their favorite blog post or series in addition to recapping some of the greatest blog hits over time.
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#11 - 25 Writing Ideas and Article Topics to Reach Your Audience
Content is king, but it won't do you any good if you have writer's block. Bookmark this list of idea primers for your next writing session and many future writing sessions to come!
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#10 - Guide to Entertaining: Writing Informative Content with a Creative Twist
A water glass is just a glass. Add an umbrella and it's so much more! Discover how to channel your creativity and improve your writing with great creative details.
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#9 - Article Marketing for the Online Entrepreneur
Writing articles isn't always easy, nor is analyzing your results and implementing new strategies. In the end, you know that it's all worth it ... you just wish it were a little easier. That's where a Premium Membership subscription can help.
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#8 - The Long-Tail Method: How to Write Great Titles So Easily, You'll Wonder Why You Didn't Do It Before
By targeting your audience and creating content along the long tail, you will exponentially increase the likelihood of your articles being seen by readers. Check out these 5 easy steps to get started.
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#7 - 20 Embarrassing Authority Killers That Will Make Readers Flee En Masse
There are several scenarios that will deflate your efforts to build exposure and leverage your expertise. Save face by avoiding these 20 authority killers.
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#6 - How to Promote Your Content
Content marketing is not a "set it and forget it" strategy. It's about the 4 Ps (Plan, Place, Produce, Promote) - just don't forget that last P! Use these 7 methods to promote your content.
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#5 - 10 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
Looking for new social media marketing strategies? Check out these 10 tips to get a better handle on your social media efforts, maintain that audience you've worked so hard to build, and avoid these common blunders.
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#4 - Get an Upgrade: A Fresh Look at EzineArticles Membership Levels
Not sure how the EzineArticles membership pyramid works? Get the scoop to discover the benefits of each level.
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#3 - 100 Words Every Expert Author Should Know Part II
You're the expert, so you decide what language works best. Make sure that language targets your readers without obstructing their ability to get your message.
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#2 - 100 Words Every Expert Author Should Know Part I
Want to expand your vocabulary to include some rare gems of the English language? Spice up your writing or see how many words you know and don't know.
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#1 - 10 Distractions that Destroy Productivity: The WRONG Advice
Reclaim your power over distractions! Discover what self-sabotaging distractions you are guilty of, whether you're hurting your own success, and whatever you do, don't follow the advice provided in this most popular post of 2013.
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Did your favorite blog post make the top 20 list? What was your favorite article writing and content marketing advice from 2013? Visit this post online to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Stay in touch! Subscribe to the EzineArticles Blog Alerts to ensure you never miss a blog post and can easily join the discussion.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Lee Binz "I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers."

I started article writing when I started my newsletter in late 2006. At that time, I had about 25 subscribers - mostly friends and family. Since then I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers.

Lee Binz

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Friday, December 27, 2013

[EzineArticles] The Thesaurus: Your Dark Horse to Writing Killer Titles?

The Thesaurus: Your Dark Horse to Writing Killer Titles? EzineArticles.com Logo

Richly Express Yourself Using the Dynamic Tapestry of the English Language!

Articles not getting the traction you were hoping for? It may be your title.

If only there was something that could save your titles and articles from dull and uninviting language ... Wait a second - there is!

An incredible tool that is underused, but often unexpectedly succeeds at turning heads is the thesaurus. It can open your writing to more stunning language than you ever thought possible and it can help you:

  • invoke curiosity with an original turn of phrase
  • find a better word to convey your thought or idea
  • improve your vocabulary when used with a dictionary
  • avoid repetition in a sentence or paragraph

How a Thesaurus Works

In a thesaurus, words are grouped by similar meaning, but that does not indicate they are identical.

For example, the synonyms grouped with the word road may include boulevard, street, or path. There are quite obvious differences to these words and it would behoove the writer to be mindful that not all words are interchangeable.

With its synonyms skip, cavort, caper, gambol, romp, prance, and frolic, words like dance offer more leniency to be used interchangeably. These are the words that can help you spice up your article titles and engage readers.

Combining the powers of ingenuity and creativity with a thesaurus can help you turn this:

5 Ideas for Increasing Your Personal Productivity

Into this:

5 Smart Ways to Rally and Empower Your Waning Productivity

Much more engaging, isn't it?

Increase Your Titles' Potential

Some words gain more traction than others. We refer to these as "power words." Here's a list of 10 power words and phrases you should blend into your titles (including several of their synonyms):

  1. Smart (bold, brilliant, canny, nimble, shrewd, slick, wise, genius, clever, fresh)
  2. Help (advice, aid, assist, cure, use, service, support, benefit, comfort, advantage, blessing)
  3. Surprising (amazing, astonishing, shocking, startling, stunning, electrifying, sudden, unforeseen, remarkable)
  4. Huge (colossal, extensive, giant, monumental, tremendous, massive, magnificent, enormous)
  5. Critical (demanding, penetrating, exacting, severe, crucial, dire)
  6. Killer (aggressive, antagonistic, combative, cut-throat, deadly, rival)
  7. Fear (panic, scare, terror, suspicious, phobic, sweat, horror, dread, abhor, worry, woe)
  8. Dark (cloudy, dim, gloomy, murky, bleak, somber, dreary, funereal, hard, harsh, lonely, sad)
  9. War (struggle, fight, hostility, strife, combat, action, assault, attack, brush, clash, havoc, ravage)
  10. Bleed (drain, labor, torment, pain, excruciate, writhe, afflict, brood, sulk, burn, gouge)

Use the thesaurus sparingly! Exchanging every other word can make your title or content sound unnatural. Sprinkle it like seasoning on the article.

Disclaimer: We do not advocate using a thesaurus or article spinning program to change every other word of your content to create derivative content or use it on another author's content in order to claim it as your own.

Here are 5 additional tips to bear in mind when writing engaging titles:

  1. Focus on action words (e.g., achieve, create, adapt, build, and transform).
  2. Place a strong emphasis on verbs (e.g., run) and adverbs (e.g., quickly).
  3. Lead with a promise of a number (e.g., 5 Tips, 10 Strategies, 7 Top Methods, and 3 Critical Points).
  4. Gain an instructional edge by including words or phrases (e.g., In 5 minutes, DIY, Introduction, and The Beginners Guide).
  5. Pay attention to the first 3-5 words of your title - it's what you readers see first.

Bonus Resources to Craft Powerful Titles

Check out these posts to write better titles:

Whether on your bookshelf, in your smartphone, or bookmarked on your Internet browser - do you use a thesaurus as a writing tool? What type and source? What advice can you add to the discussion that gives your writing a boost? Visit this post online to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: As an Expert Author, your focus is on the top. You are eager to position yourself among the best of the best, all while sharing your invaluable tips with your readers. The 15 article prompts contained in the Executing and Growing Article Template Package will help you easily dispense this information in a thought-provoking manner. This package will allow you to share the knowledge you have about the more in-depth business practices and functions you deal with. Get it today!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Judy H. Wright "... the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort."

Thanks so much for the great publicity. I was amazed at how many articles I already had written when I started digging out all my old notes and speeches. It just took a little reformatting, bringing up to date and filling in here and there to have them ready to send off to you. Even though we are swamped with projects, the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort. Keep up the good work.

Judy H. Wright

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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

[EzineArticles] Happy Holidays From EzineArticles.com!

Happy Holidays From EzineArticles.com! EzineArticles.com Logo

Season's Greetings!

On behalf of the entire EzineArticles Team, have a safe and happy holiday!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Steve Wickham "High Standards of Customer Focus"

I would like to encourage the staff at EzineArticles, as to their professionalism, high standards of customer focus, and reliable support. Having over 4,900 articles, I've had sufficient exposure to 'rate' EzineArticles and I just commend you for the standards you uphold.

Steve Wickham

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Friday, December 20, 2013

[EzineArticles] Erase Embarrassing Typos In 5 Minutes

Erase Embarrassing Typos
In 5 Minutes
EzineArticles.com Logo

Have Mercy!

No matter how great your command of the English language is, it will slip your notice at some point if it hasn't already ... the dreaded typo.

A typo or typographical error is a mistake made in the typing process of text. This may include speling and grammar errors, typing the same same word, or misplacing pesky apostrophe's.

Did you notice my intentional errors in the previous sentence? Good for you! It's my tongue-in-cheek stab at humor to propose this:

Let's all take a break from grammar shaming and be compassionate toward those poor folks who accidentally leave a typo and even absolve those who are typo-prone.

Ouch! 5 Famous Typos That Will Make You Cringe

Pardon these errors ...

1. Courtesy Granted to Prisoners Due to Belly Button Flint

While we're more inclined to forgive those who are not in a writing profession, authors like famous Sci-Fi/Fantasy writer, H.P. Lovecraft, have been shown little mercy by the Grammar Police. Take for instance his typo in a passage of "The Fiction" ...

... our vessel was made a legitimate prize, whilst we of her crew were treated with all the fairness and consideration due us as navel prisoners.

What he wished he had typed ...

... our vessel was made a legitimate prize, whilst we of her crew were treated with all the fairness and consideration due us as naval prisoners.

2. Grammar-Shaming Attempt Gone Wrong

You know that saying, "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all!" Well, one celebrity should have heeded that advice when his attempt to shame an announcer's poor grammar choice during a news broadcast went horribly wrong ...

Fox announcer: "He was covered pretty good." Boo. #DeathOfGrammer #LoweringTheBar

What he really meant ...

Fox announcer: "He was covered pretty good." Boo. #DeathOfGrammar #LoweringTheBar

3. Big Brother Is Watching

When a U.S. presidential hopeful launched an iPhone App in 2012 in order to help stir up support, his team made a case for copy editors everywhere with this slogan ...

A Better Amercia

What he really meant ...

A Better America

4. A Saucy and Wicked Bible

In their attempt to reprint the King James Bible in 1631, Robert Barker and Martin Lucas made a rather suggestive typo by unintentionally omitting the word "not" ...

Thou shalt commit adultery.

What they meant ...

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

5. Cue George Takei, "Oh Myyy!"

The University of Texas at Austin had to issue a special apology for the grievous error that appeared at the bottom of its 2012 Commencement programs ...

Lyndon B. Johnson School of Pubic Affairs

What this prestigious institution really meant ...

Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs

Why Is it So Difficult to Catch Errors Like This?

"Haste makes waste" they say and typos are often a result of hasty writing.

It's unreasonable to expect someone to slow down to a snail's pace when the pressure to publish is so extreme in the fast-paced writing world of articles, blogs, tweets, and posts.

To err is to be human; be compassionate toward those who make errors by perhaps sending them a polite message informing them of the mistake. As for your own writing, be as vigilant as you possibly can, but don't let it paralyze your ability to create or publish.

How to Erase Embarrassing Typos in 5 Minutes

First, the number one rule of proofreading: DO NOT WRITE AND PROOFREAD AT THE SAME TIME. It's just a waste of time. Proofread AFTER you're done writing and revising your content.

Next, put on your copyediting hat and use these 5 tips to catch those embarrassing typos in 5 minutes per article.

  • Use your spellcheck! For all of your article needs, we provide a spellcheck in the WYSIWYG of the Submit New Article form of your member account.
  • Read your article out loud to catch awkward spelling and sentences - it really does work if you give it a concentrated effort.
  • Look up definitions or grammar usage for areas you're not positive on - it's better to be safe than sorry!
  • Improve your focus by closing the door to distractions and taking care of any stress that's nagging you.
  • Change the font type or even the font size to help you spot wayward errors.

Seek and Ye Shall Find

One final tip before you scramble to quickly hunt for those errors you repeatedly make:

Most computers will allow you to perform a quick search function by typing Ctrl F (for PC users) or CMD F (for MAC users) on your keyboard, which will bring up a navigation field. Here you can enter a word or phrase. For example, if "it's" is a common typo for you, I'd recommend typing in "its" and then select Enter or Return to examine every occurrence of it in your article (ensuring it's grammatically correct). Find "it's" as well to be doubly sure.

If there's one thing I'd like you to remember in this post, it's this: when using the word "public," double - no - triple check to make sure you remembered to add the "L."

What typos plague you? What's the worst (or funniest) typo you've come across? Visit this post online to let us know - we'd love to hear from you and feel free to share this gem that inspired this post:

Ode to the Typographical Error

"The typographical error is a slippery thing and sly;
You can hunt till you are dizzy, but it somehow will get by.
Till the forms are on the press, it is strange how still it keeps.
It shrinks down in a corner, and it never stirs or peeps -
That typographical error, too small for human eyes -
Till the ink is on the paper, when it grows to mountain size.
The boss, he stares with horror, then he grabs his hair and groans;
The copyreader drops his head upon his hands and moans.
The remainder of the issue may be clean as clean can be,
But the typographical error is the only thing you see."
- Author Unknown

If you loved this article, then check out our Grammar Tips Category for more!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Not having to worry about generating ideas or coming up with article structure can help eliminate typos, too. Article Templates can provide both. Get yours in the EzineArticles Shop!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Cathy Stucker "... build an expert reputation ..."

After submitting articles to EzineArticles.com, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my website's search engine rankings -- and the increases in traffic and sales that come with top rankings.

I recommend EzineArticles.com to anyone who wants to increase their web visibility and build an expert reputation.

Cathy Stucker

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

[EzineArticles] Planning Your Article Writing Campaign for 2014

Planning Your Article Writing Campaign for 2014 EzineArticles.com Logo

Wrap Up 2013 and Plan for Next Year!

Have you ever played chess with someone who is really good? If you have, then you know you can't win by brute force (throwing your pawns on your front line and trying to take out every piece your opponent moves). You win by strategically planning how to effectively and efficiently place your opponent's king under an inescapable threat of capture: checkmate.

Many authors feel as though they should approach their article writing efforts with brute force: toss hundreds of articles on the Internet front lines and try to capture every click. Success-track authors don't worry about reaching every reader, nor do they worry about matching each of their competitor's moves. By creating remarkable content with value that strategically targets relevant readers, success-track authors know they are one step closer to achieving their goal.

Use this guide to strategically plan 2014 and get on the success track!

Phase I: Take a Look Back

Create a summary that measures how your articles did this year and whether you met your goals.

Check out the Performance tab of your member account, which includes the following article stats:

  • Views
  • URL Clicks
  • Click Rate
  • EzinePublishers
  • Shares
  • Comments
  • Emails
  • Monthly Summary*

Estimate what this data and other sources of information means by answering the following questions in detail:

  • Did you meet your goals for the year? Why or why not?
  • What was your biggest success and what elements led to it?
  • What was your biggest disappointment and what led to the downfall?
  • Was there anything that surprised you?
  • What do you plan to continue doing in the next year?
  • What do you plan on ending this year?

Phase II: Set SMART Goals

Using your 2013 summary as a guide, set SMART goals that are conducive to your efforts:

  • S - Specific: Your goal should be precise and unambiguous.
  • M - Measurable: Set benchmarks and incremental milestones to help measure your progress.
  • A - Attainable: Be realistic with your goals by inventorying resources and identifying obstacles.
  • R - Relevant: Your goal should contribute to your vision for your future.
  • T - Time-bound: Commit to a timeframe and stick to it by setting:
    • yearly deadlines
    • quarterly deadlines
    • monthly deadlines

Phase III: Create a Strategy and Do It

Start by chunking down your goals: Write your goal down and create a list detailing all of the elements needed to achieve it. Once you have your list, prioritize it in a sequence of events and due dates.

Ready? Do it:

Phase IV: Create a Content Plan

Begin by creating an annual Editorial Calendar that includes the basics:

  • Industry events or your organization's events
  • Relevant holidays and monthly themes
  • Pop culture and entertainment events relevant to your audience
  • Other noteworthy dates
  • Your goal deadlines

Plan monthly themes to help guide your content. For example, people in the health and fitness industry might assign themes like "weight loss" for January, "heart health" for February, and "women's health" for March.

Ensure your content plan is flexible and create a stockpile of content. A stockpile will help you have content ready:

  • when what you originally planned falls through.
  • if the content you originally planned may be considered insensitive based on current events.
  • the content you planned is no longer relevant based on major industry trends.
  • for all of those unknown obstacles that fall onto your path.

Don't forget to keep an eye on the competition. Remember that earlier chess analogy? Don't allow each of your articles to be reactive to your competition's articles or you will consistently fall behind. Keep an eye on their movements so you can use their successes as benchmarks for your own improvement, but plan your next move based on what's going to get you closer to your end goal and stay one step ahead.

Be flexible! Track, measure, and tweak your plan as needed. Create a monthly summary like the yearly summary in Phase I: Take a Look Back, which will help you a year from now when you look back on all that you accomplish in 2014 using this guide.

Are you ready for 2014? Visit this post online to join the discussion!

*This feature is available for Premium Members only. Click here to find out how you can take advantage of this benefit and more by becoming a Premium Member.

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Make sure you include the Build-Your-Own Article Template Packages in your 2014 writing campaign plan!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Steve Wickham "High Standards of Customer Focus"

I would like to encourage the staff at EzineArticles, as to their professionalism, high standards of customer focus, and reliable support. Having over 4,900 articles, I've had sufficient exposure to 'rate' EzineArticles and I just commend you for the standards you uphold.

Steve Wickham

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Monday, December 16, 2013

[EzineArticles] Answers to Your Article Template Questions

Answers to Your Article Template Questions EzineArticles.com Logo

Discover why you need to utilize these awesome writing tools!

Most of our Expert Authors have heard of Article Templates, but only a small percentage truly understand what they are, why they should use them, and how to use them effectively. They don't see the incredible benefits that Article Templates can provide.

Two key things dictate your success in article writing and marketing: the quality of your articles and the number of articles you've written. Article Templates can increase both.

With that thought in mind, here are the answers to some of the common questions you may have about these powerful tools.

  • What are Article Templates?

    Article Templates are theme-based PDF documents that provide concrete ideas on the style and content of your articles along with an outline for the recommended article structure. They include an interactive PDF that helps you follow that structure and write an organized, high-quality article. One thing they are NOT is fill-in-the-blank forms that will lead you to create cookie-cutter articles that lack quality content.

    Find out for yourself by downloading a free sample of our Product Review template here.

  • Why should I use them?

    Since each template is themed differently, they can provide ideas and inspiration for how to best approach your next article. They also give you a clear structure that will help your article flow smoothly and logically from start to finish while preventing that "What do I write next?" challenge. Both of these benefits will help you speed up the article writing process while also improving your article quality immensely.

  • How do I use them?

    Once you've downloaded the PDF files, simply open them with a PDF reader like Adobe Acrobat. Then read the synopsis and description of the template to understand how to best approach your article. Using the format suggestions, outline your article. Then simply write your article using the fields provided. When your article is done, just copy and paste it into the article submission form in your My.EzineArticles.com interface.

  • Who should use them?

    Simply stated: all Expert Authors. No matter what level of writing skill you have, Article Templates can significantly improve the idea generation stage while also speeding up the writing process. In the end, you'll create higher quality articles faster.

  • When should I use them?

    Anytime! Since templates can be used for just about any article, there's no reason not to use them. Simply go through your collection of templates and find one that suits your article. Then let the writing begin!

  • Where can I get them?

    Article Templates are available in the EzineArticles Shop and in the My.EzineArticles.com Store. They come in two varieties:

    1. Build-Your-Own Article Template Packages that allow you to pick and choose the article template themes that work best for you.
    2. 52 Article Templates Package that gives you a fresh template for every week of the year! You can also find these templates in our Article Templates Deck of Cards. Pick a card, any card, and write the perfect article based on that theme.

Hopefully, that answers all of your Article Template questions. The bottom line is that Article Templates can help you generate ideas and write better articles faster than you could without templates. So why aren't you using them?

Have any more questions? Visit this post online to share yours and we'll get back to you right away.

Marc, EzineArticles Product Marketing ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Marc, Product Marketing Manager

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Christine Larsen "I love the templates"

I find I love the templates and have a file with copies of all of them. Sometimes I go through them and put Post-it notes on individual templates with ideas/titles/themes - ready for possible development into an article ... it often stirs a memory or fits somehow with an opinion I hold, or an idea that's still deep within my 'think tank.'

Christine Larsen

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Friday, December 13, 2013

[EzineArticles] War on Monotony: Switch up Your Articles Today

War on Monotony: Switch up Your Articles Today! EzineArticles.com Logo

Problem: You're stuck in a rut and you may not even be aware of it.

Perhaps your routine bores you out of your mind or maybe you've hit that impossible wall. Not sure? See if any of these 7 symptoms of a writing rut match up with your feelings.

7 Signs You're Bored With Writing

  1. You find yourself repeating familiar phrases.
  2. Your articles' theme is the same.
  3. Your articles' take away is the same.
  4. You've stopped experimenting with your writing.
  5. Your articles are increasingly more derivative.
  6. You write only on one particular topic.
  7. You no longer challenge yourself or you don't feel like you can possibly do any better.

Whatever writing rut scenario fits the bill, it's frustrating and unbelievably unrewarding. Don't worry; there's a cure! Use any of these 7 remedies to help you get out of your writing rut and shake up your routine.

7 Ways to Relieve the Monotony

  1. Avoid creating your own cliché that's the result of repeating familiar phrases. Be mindful of overusing figures of speech and practice descriptive writing that appeals to your reader's senses.

  2. Change the theme! Look at a topic through the lens of another theme you haven't exhausted. Among many themes, you can select from love, desire, loss, good, evil, and friendship. For example, you can turn the desire to gain theme ("How to Promote Your Business to Attract New Clients") into a fresh, loss avoidance theme ("You're Promoting It Wrong! How to Lose Good Business").

  3. Provide unique value. Readers should walk away from each of your articles with a new thought, motivation, perspective, or set of objectives - really, anything that's a fresh take away or benefit that your audience will be more inclined to share and remember.

  4. Experiment with style, format, and point-of-view. For example, try these basic article template formats:
    • Use a Q&A format
    • Create a compelling quiz
    • Write a list
    • Share a personal anecdote
    • Tell the same story from two points of view

  5. Stop rehashing - it only adds to the noise on the Internet. Avoid repeating the same tips and information within your articles. Be a trendsetter who focuses on being a reliable source for others with original content.

  6. Make room for new ideas. Similar to the previous point, mastering everything there's to know about one particular topic isn't enough. In fact, it appears that you don't have anything more to offer and you may corner yourself into rehashing content. Explore other topics in your niche through continuous learning and garnering authoritative knowledge that suits your passions.

  7. Challenge yourself to avoid rot and stagnation! You can and should always push yourself to write and be better. Set goals. Make writing a daily habit. Stick to a time that's conducive to your creativity and lifestyle. Be accountable for your growth.

Before you leave today, remember this: If you're bored while writing, your readers will be too. End the war on monotony by turning your passions into strengths and write great articles that engage readers.

How do you avoid monotony? Let us know!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Want to throw a little random inspiration into your article ideas? Try the Article Template Deck of Cards. This 52-card deck functions like an ordinary deck of cards ... except there's a different Article Template on each! Pick a card - any card and get a fresh new idea for your next article!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Camille Rodriquez "... the process of writing has been profoundly rewarding!"

Writing articles is truly the best way to become a leader of thought in your industry or within your circle....

Thank you, EzineArticles - You literally changed my life, and the process of writing has been profoundly rewarding!

Camille Rodriquez

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

[EzineArticles] Ignorance Is Not Bliss: How to Garner Authoritative Knowledge

Ignorance Is Not Bliss: How to Garner Authoritative Knowledge EzineArticles.com Logo

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." - Derek Bok

Vague information isn't just frustrating; it can be dangerous to both your readers and your credibility. Anyone can dole out generic information that they found on the Internet, but it doesn't make them an expert. Providing ambiguous content or information that's already saturating the market can achieve the opposite effect. It may make you appear uniformed. And that ignorance (even if it's just the perception of ignorance) is an expensive waste of time and money.

Let's take a step back for a second: An expert is someone who has authoritative knowledge in their niche that has been garnered through prolonged or intense experience. If you are an expert in a field who lacks extensive insight on a particular topic or you're out-of-touch with trends in your niche, you can gain first-hand experience to acquire knowledge! All you have to do is open up to continuous learning.

Before you throw an apple at my head, allow me to explain: continuous learning isn't about reentering the classroom or taking a course. It's about developing your reflection and inquiry skills that are necessary for critical thinking. It's also about turning your personal and professional life into your own laboratory for exploration and innovation - the ultimate cure for ignorance.

12 Tips to Create Your Own Innovation Laboratory

  • Be receptive by voraciously consuming information. Immerse yourself into a topic every day. Shadow those who are in the field, conduct interviews, experiment to gain first-hand experience, and connect with real people.

  • The better your mind and body is, then the better your ability to retain information. Make sure you drink enough water, get enough sleep, exercise, and consider eating healthier foods that target optimal brain function.

  • Stop multitasking. Research suggests multitasking can actually make you less effective. Focus on what's in front of you by eliminating distractions and practice better time management.

  • Refine your speed-reading skills. Speed reading will help you consume information faster by filtering out irrelevant information and put a spotlight on new and important information.

  • Get visual by mapping out a topic or create an information pyramid that builds up from the basics to the most complex point. Consider broader applications of your topic by analyzing the when, where, and why it is important as well as for whom and how.

  • Connect new topics to those already in your existing "knowledge bank." How does the new information fit into the framework of the old? Or is it a game changer?

  • Examine what you know and ask yourself probing questions. Anything that you can't answer or may not have a strong answer in, make an on-going research to-do list.

  • Read, listen, and watch. Increase the variety of ways you consume information through a multi-media approach that touches on both visual and auditory learning. Listen to lectures, read articles, watch videos, look at charts, and much more.

  • Collaborate and connect with your professional peers and actually engage in discussions with them rather than passively adding them to your network. Make valuable relationships that will grow.

  • Allow your interests and passions to cross pollinate. This will not only lend motivation, it will help you approach a topic with a new and more meaningful perspective.

  • Ditch your computer. Writing long hand has shown to stimulate ideas, so ditch the computer and other tech (when brainstorming at least!). Carry a notebook with you at all times to record meditative thoughts or jot down an idea that suddenly came to you.

  • Consider the source:
    • Who is providing the information (e.g., credible author vs. "admin")?
    • Why are they telling you the information (i.e., unbiased vs. self-serving)?
    • Are they providing evidence that supports their stance or are they dropping generalizations?
    • Are there holes in their logic?
    • Did they leave key information out to spin a topic in their favor or manipulate your understanding of the topic?

Open yourself up to all sorts of information and ideas by using these tips to avoid any poor impressions that vague, unoriginal information gives readers.

How do you stay on top of your niche and brainstorm fresh ideas? Click here to let us know!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Another way to improve your image as an expert is to simply write better articles. Article Templates can help with their structured approach and potential to squash writer's block. Check them out in the EzineArticles Shop.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Leon Noone "I'll keep writing as long as you keep publishing!"

I'm very pleased with my experience with you and the help you've provided since you first published me in 2008. I'll keep writing as long as you keep publishing!

Leon Noone

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