Sunday, November 21, 2010

[EzineArticles Training] Article Content: Articles Templates #4

Hello Sherif,

Here is the next edition of the Article Writing: Content Sources and Article Templates Training Series.

Survey Results Articles: Your readers love reading the results of relevant surveys you've conducted in your niche. Give it to them in your next set of articles.

Why articles that include the results of surveys are valuable:

* You are delivering the result of multiple hours, days
or weeks of research.

* You are summarizing mountains of data into a less
than 1,000 word summary.

* You are helping your reader to key into which
numbers in the results are important and why.

* You are describing how to evaluate the results, and
how they can apply to your reader's business.

A single survey's results can help you easily produce a series of 2-15 articles.

Key Insight: It's better to share survey results from surveys you or your company has done. Never share results of surveys that came from proprietary information you had to pay for. It's recommended that you never write articles that use the basis of someone else's survey results as the basis of your article/s.

Example Article: "What Makes a Manager a Bad Boss--Survey Results"

"Golden Rules of X" Articles: This article template idea is ridiculously simple, yet can be powerfully perceived as valuable by your readership. Here's how the Golden Rules of X article template works:

* Create an article title:
a. "Golden Rules of _____________"
b. "The 16 Golden Rules of ____________"
c. "____________ Golden Rules To Live by"

* Using a numbered list, include the rules that sum
up the primary lessons you've discovered or learned
through your experience & expertise.

* Expand to include "WHY" each golden rule you've
outlined is important.

* Summarize at the end the theme behind why your
set of golden rules are important and what it will
mean to the reader when they implement them in
their own life and/or business.

Broad vs. Narrow focus: You can include the golden rules of various aspects of your niche including narrow topics or sub-topics rather than only a broadly-focused set of golden rules.

Example: One might write an article on the: "7 Golden Rules of Article Writing & Marketing". Follow that up with an article on the
"10 Article Title Golden Rules To Profit By," "4 Golden Rules of Writing Resource Boxes That Sell,"
or "19 Golden Rules of How To Pick Article Topic Choices".

For more information on the Golden Rules Article Template, visit the EzineArticles Blog:

Ready to submit your next set of quality original articles?

To Your Article Writing & Marketing Success!
- The Team

p.s. Get the latest information on the world of
Article Writing/Marketing and Publishing by
checking out the Blog:

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