Whether you're looking to improve your writing, build your niche as an expert, find tools to help you grow or see what's going on in the EzineArticles Community, we have you covered on the EzineArticles Blog. Here's a quick summary of the blog posts you may have missed since June 1st at http://Blog.EzineArticles.com/ Improving Your Writing ... A Guide to Uninterrupted Writing - In general, distractions are a part of life. Sometimes they're good, but normally they're not. In an effort to increase your productivity and decrease your stress level, EzineArticles offers this: A Guide to Uninterrupted Writing.
- From My Desk To Yours: Putting Semicolons and Colons in Their Place - Ever get that feeling when you're writing that a sentence needs just a little something extra to make it cohesive and complete? You know it needs some kind of punctuation to bring home the point, but you can't decide between a comma, a semicolon, a colon or some other punctuation mark to get the job done. Well, then this post is for you.
- From My Desk To Yours: Reaching the Word Requirement Without the Fluff - If you're one of those Expert Authors that finds themselves stretching for content by the end of each article, you could be at risk of having those articles rejected. Fear not, though, because in this post we offer a few tips to help you avoid the fluff.
- 2 Minute Approval Tips: Make Location-Based Articles Specific - Articles that target specific locations can be very successful in regards to SEO. However, you must ensure that your article delivers enough content on that specific location. Watch this video to discover more.
Building Your Niche ... Article Content vs Real Life - Exceptional Work - Getting noticed is easier said than done, but the rewards are worth the effort. Watch this video to see what happens when exceptional work is discovered.
- Making Quality the Priority - When a comedian fails to present his best material for his primetime show, its only a matter of time until he'll be hearing crickets, or worse yet, get booed off the stage. Your audience has certain expectations, too, so deliver quality content in every article.
- Allure of Facebook for Article Writers - Follow these tips for creating a social networking account to extend the reach of your article writing.
- Like. Follow. Watch. Connect with EzineArticles - No time? Always on the move? Don't worry! EzineArticles will always have you covered with all the latest news and insights related to article writing through our social media channels.
- 5 Quick Tips to Attract New Readers - As an article writer, you want your articles to get as much exposure as possible. This will help the overall success of your article writing campaign. Watch this video to discover 5 quick tips to attract new readers.
Tools to Help You Grow ... 4-Pack of EzineArticles Quick Tips - In this post, we share 4 quick how-to videos to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive on a regular basis.
- Niche Jargon Article Template - With a little thought on your part, this template produces an article that'll help bring people up to speed on the terms and expressions used in your niche.
- Play Your Favorite Games AND Get Article Ideas - Coming up with quality, original article ideas can be a huge barrier to get past whether you're a new author or you've been doing this for years. In an effort to help you jump over this barrier with ease, we developed the deck of cards article template package.
- Tools From EzineArticles Can Make Your Life Easier - The EzineArticles Shop is a very convenient spot to pick up valuable tools that will help you accelerate your article writing and marketing efforts AND help you drive a ton of traffic to your website or blog. Here's a list of what's available at Shop.EzineArticles.com ...
The EzineArticles Community ... Using Draft Status to Save Articles on Your Account - Stockpile all of your ideas in one location by saving them as Draft Articles. Check out this post to discover how.
- Article Titles Made Just For You - Titles that are keyword-rich and relevant to your potential audience are the ones that are going to draw in the most readers. In light of that, we wanted to refresh your memory and make sure you know how to get access to your own titles from the Title Suggestions tool.
- Updated FAQ Page Makes Debut - What was before just a repository of frequently asked questions has turned into a comprehensive resource that not only gets you the answer you're looking for, but also connects you to more in-depth videos, blog entries and additional resources for each topic.
- How to Use the EzineArticles WYSIWYG Editor - If you're looking to improve the overall look of your articles, but don't want to use HTML, you're not alone. The EzineArticles "What You See is What You Get" editor was designed just for you! Watch this video to discover all about this powerful tool.
Expert Author Showcase ... Expert Author Showcase: Robert L. Bacon - This post highlights Expert Author Robert L. Bacon's introduction into article writing and takes a look at the details of some of the strategies he has adopted.
- Expert Author Showcase: Shirley Slick - The 11th edition in a series of posts showcasing quality-driven Diamond level Expert Authors and their article writing insights.
- Expert Author Showcase: Brooke Brimm - If you're looking for friendly, sensible advice from a confident author, Brooke Brimm should be at the top of your list. Check out this post to discover why.
- Expert Author Showcase: Phyllis Goldberg, Ph.D. - With over 25 years in private practice, Phyllis has guided clients through personal and family transitions. This post shares details about her article writing experiences.
- Expert Author Showcase: Sheryl Letzgus McGinnis - "Read, Read, Read!" It sounds like advice you'd hear from a passionate English teacher. You'd be surprised to find out that it actually comes from addiction specialist and Expert Author Sheryl Letzgus McGinnis, who is also the subject of this Expert Author Showcase.
We'd love to hear your thoughts on any (or all) of these posts from recent weeks. Take a minute to check them out and add your comments, questions, suggestions or stories. :-) |
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