Who says article writing can't be fun? Are you looking for a way to spark article ideas and build momentum? Then get onboard with My.EzineArticles.com! Featuring 3 brand new tools to help you speed up your article writing efforts and share your latest achievements with your personal and professional networks, the new My.EzineArticles.com member interface gives you: - Challenges
- Awards
- Achievements
My.EzineArticles.com Challenges Challenges are a fun way to interact with other members and to push yourself to achieve your personal goals. You can choose to start your own challenge or join a challenge that's already in progress. Here's how: - Go to My.EzineArticles.com
- If you have not accessed My.EzineArticles.com, you can do so by using your current username and password
- Select the Profile tab
- Select Challenges from the left My Profile sidebar menu
To start your own challenge, select the Challenge Type and fill in all of the applicable fields, including assigning a Start Date and Article Count. You can invite friends from your My.EzineArticles.com network by adding groups or names to the field provided, or you can create a solo challenge by leaving the field empty. Once you are done, select Create Challenge. To join a challenge that has been created by another Expert Author, select it from the list of Recently Created Challenges or you can Browse Available Challenges for more! Caution: Once enrolled, a challenge will not be removed from your account for added incentive! Earn Achievements and Awards with the Badge to Prove It As you submit articles and perform actions within your EzineArticles account, you will earn achievements and awards. Collecting badges for these achievements and awards shows how active you are on EzineArticles.com. The badges will help contribute to your credibility as an Expert Author and you can use your earned badges for major bragging rights! Check out what badges you have earned or to see which ones you have yet to earn by following these steps: - Go to My.EzineArticles.com
- If you have not accessed My.EzineArticles.com, you can do so by using your current username and password
- Select the Profile tab
- Select Achievements and Awards from the left My Profile sidebar menu
All achievements and awards are retroactive (i.e. if you have already earned the badge, it will appear on your My.EzineArticles.com account and on your public Expert Author page). Badges are organized by the tabs Profile, Published Articles, Networking, Article Niches, and Article Submissions, and then based on whether they are an Award or Achievement. Those that are filled in have been earned and those that display a lock have not yet been earned. Badges marked with ??? are mystery badges (top-secret). Selecting an unearned badge will bring up its details. Selecting a badge you've already earned will give you the option to Share your achievement or award on Twitter or Facebook (once you have connected these social networking sites to your My.EzineArticles.com account). You can also discuss your earned badge on your Networking page by selecting Discuss. Challenge yourself today by setting a goal with the new Challenges feature. Don't know where to start? Try this challenge on for size: 200 articles published on EzineArticles.com will earn you the Polished Expert Award. Create a custom challenge to help you monitor your goal to becoming a polished expert and once you've earned the badge - share it with your network! Special Note: Get your feedback and comments in today to save your favorite features and let us know what isn't working for you! Backed by our data and design team, My.EzineArticles.com serves you, the Expert Author. Please share your comments and suggestions so we can continue to make My.EzineArticles.com the ULTIMATE article writing platform tailored to your needs AND wants! Share your My.EzineArticles.com Challenge and your favorite achievement or award in the comments section here! |
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