Friday, January 6, 2012

[EzineArticles] Want Freedom? Write with Confidence

Want Freedom? Write with Confidence Logo

"Marketing my business through article writing is so much more valuable when I understand the benefits! Building my brand has never been easier and it allows me more freedom to meet the needs of my customers."

If this is not a statement that you would readily make, BUT want to, then we've got some tips for you!

It's hard to believe that branding with articles will dramatically increase your credibility and where you rank in otherwise saturated niches. Not only is it possible, it's easy compared to an exhausting and expensive marketing campaign!

Many article writers share these basic goals: Increase traffic, build exposure, enhance credibility, and be profitable.

If you stop and think about the marketing benefits of article writing, you may think you understand it all. However, you may face unresolved issues, such as branding misfires, dead links, or misguided sales tactics. These issues turn readers away and don't give you the full benefit of the article writing system.

Before I get carried away with how to easily get rid of these unresolved issues, let's answer a question:

What is one benefit of marketing my business with articles? A: Freedom

Consider the smartphone. Before smartphones debuted to the masses, one had to carry a planner or datebook, a laptop, wristwatch, music player, and other devices. Not only did the smartphone make it more efficient to access these tools and achieve our goals, but it gave us the freedom to dedicate our time elsewhere.

In turn, article writing is the same way. Place less emphasis on the gadgets (i.e. SEO, keywords, flash, etc.) and more on the quality of your articles. Doing so will allow you the freedom to dedicate your time elsewhere while still achieving your goals.

So how do you gain freedom? Address your unresolved issues to build confidence:

  1. Tune-In to Your Target Market: Connect your credibility dots for your audience by linking to content related to the article. If you are a Landscape Architect, don't expect to deliver worthy backyard landscaping tips to your friend's football audience. The only landscaping tip a football audience is interested in is turf durability.
  2. Rome Wasn't Built in a Day: 10 articles in a saturated niche that repeat what authors before you have said over and over is NOT going to sell your product or service. Keep writing, be memorable, and be inviting!
  3. Don't Settle for Word Muck: Build confidence in your writing by improving your skillset. If your writing is dry or passive, improve it by using active language and providing an engaging analogy. Bottom-line: Don't write for the sake of getting something down. Compel with confidence 100% of the time.
  4. Don't Be a Broken Record: Don't be "THAT AUTHOR" who bores readers by saying everything and nothing at the same time. Deliver your original, quick and easy tips or techniques and you'll be sure to retain their attention.
  5. It's not about the RACE, it's about ENDURANCE: Let this be your mantra to freedom! Don't think that being the first author to write a thousand articles will do the trick. While you'll certainly be applauded for those efforts, the real challenge is in delivering quality time and time again and providing new information that answers new questions.

So before your writing efforts dry up, write with confidence by addressing unresolved issues and providing value. Build an article library that is an asset and it will work for you for years to come. Your freedom is counting on it!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Tackling unresolved issues will not only speed up your article writing efforts, it will help you become a stronger writer! Check out Top 10 Reasons for Article Rejection video series to identify and do away with your unresolved issues once and for all!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Darrell DiZoglio "608% increase in web traffic."

I became an expert author back in 2008. I was skeptical about this marketing strategy as a resume writer since my business is in a narrow niche. So, my approach was to write higher quality info articles that would truly benefit my readers. It worked well. Here is a no hype summary of my five star results versus the previous year:

  • 608% increase in web traffic.
  • 200% increase in website visit time.
  • 258% increase in return website traffic.
  • 100% increase in conversion rate.
  • 170 info articles posted again on websites.
  • Many new clients from the U.S. and Canada.

Thanks to, I have helped 600 more job hunters get hired this year. God bless you all.

Darrell DiZoglio

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