Monday, March 31, 2014

New bonuses unlocked for your account

Hello Sherif,

The following new bonuses have been unlocked for your Article Video Robot account:

- Easy Voice Recorder

You can see the full list here

Please reply to this email if you have any questions.

San Kumar,
Founder, Article Video Robot.

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

[EzineArticles] 10 Ways to Make People Fall in Love with Your Article

10 Ways to Make People Fall in Love With Your Article Logo

You'll Want to Bookmark This Post!

We're going to skip the cliches about love, romance, and other sundries.

You want to know how to make people fall in love with your articles.

Let me be frank with you: it's not a walk in the park. It takes being honest with yourself and practice, but that doesn't mean it isn't worthwhile!

These 10 steps will help you connect with readers, build your exposure, and you'll have a lot more fun with your writing in the process.

Let's get started.

1. Calling all thrill-seeking titles!

A good title is the difference between stating "I have a story to tell you" and "you're not going to believe what just happened to me." The latter always trumps the former - always. People want to be surprised and even possibly shocked. They want to feel included, like you're sharing some private secret or giving them information that's exclusively for them.

Write a title. In fact, write up to 10 different titles approaching your topic from varying angles - surprise, danger, hope, happiness, etc. Review your list. Which one jumps out and grabs you the most? Pick the title that uses strong power words, promises information while still evoking curiosity, and is most relevant to your readers.

For more on giving your titles a little TLC, click here.

2. Ha! You call that an introduction?

"Benjamin Franklin was a great inventor." Yawn! Stop writing like you're a teenager just trying to get by with your boring old essay introductions to your English teacher. "Want to lose weight?" Well, considering there's 192,000,000 results in Google alone for that phrase - that's a safe assumption for a good many people. Can we do a little better, people?

You can. Forget the niceties and jump right into it. Introductions are no place for small talk - they are where you reveal information that compels your reader to continue reading. Make it honest. Make it memorable. Make it count.

For more on writing engaging introductions, click here.

3. Nice body.

Are your articles easy on the eyes? Many authors make the mistake of writing articles, again, like they're writing an essay for their high school English teacher: An introduction, body, and conclusion without pause between paragraphs. Or they write 400 words in one fat paragraph - the equivalent of throwing reader's attention span into a pool and demanding it to hold its breath for 2 minutes.

Whip your article body into shape! Watch those word counts by trimming irrelevant information. Keep paragraphs between 4-5 sentences (depending on the length of each sentence of course!). Break up content into bite-sized chunks using revealing sub-headers before main paragraphs as well as integrate easy-to-read ordered or unordered lists.

For more on basic article formats, click here.

4. Leave your fingerprint.

You wouldn't attempt to peddle a knock off, like a purse, shoes, or device, of another brand, would you? So why would you take another author's idea and spin it or try to pass it off as your own? Knock offs are never better than the real deal. Your content is an extension of you and your brand. It's your contribution - not someone else's - to your niche.

Don't imitate, spin, plagiarize, and be ambiguous. By that token, you obviously can't hold yourself back by reinventing the tried and trusted proverbial wheel. Create original, custom content that has your unique fingerprint. Share your experiences. Use your voice. Tell your story through your writing. Allow your personality to shine.

For more information on writing great content, click here.

5. Drive action with active voice.

First, we have no objections to passive voice - it has it's time and place. However, when your readers want answers and they want them yesterday, the ever promising and less-confusing active voice is the way to go. Next, consider if you were speaking in front of a room full of strangers looking to you for help: would you rather be that charismatic motivator or the wet-blanket afterthought? Hopefully, not the latter because you may be in the wrong business.

Motivators activate. A good way to remember how to use active voice is to situate your writing so your subject performs the action, rather than receives it. For example, when this passive statement, "excuses should be let go by you," becomes "let go of excuses" (with a few liberties on dropping "you" in commands of course), we've activated the tone. Compel with action: use active voice.

For more information on active and passive voice (with examples!), click here.

6. Write conversationally ...

... while adhering to acceptable etiquette of course! (Please keep profanity to yourself!) Most people don't go out of their way to avoid ending sentences in a preposition. For example, in the formal "For whom is this apple?" vs. the informal "Who is this apple for?" most readers are inclined to feel the latter is more relatable - more their speed - than the former. My point is not to call attention to whether it's a sad state of affairs that grammar is evolving at an unfavorable speed (or direction) or not.

People feel more comfortable with contractions (like "You didn't write" vs. "You did not write") because it seems less accusatory or that sense of finality. They like short to mid-length sentences that don't make them feel clumsy for tripping over a semicolon. It's not about challenge - they still want challenge! If they didn't, the likes of Leo Tolstoy and James Joyce would be lost forever. It's about understanding the content in a way they can relate to and understand in as little time as possible. Again, this is article writing and content marketing - not academic writing. Keep it simple!

For more information on formal vs. informal writing with examples, click here.

7. Stir emotion!

Your writing can make a huge impact on your readers - but only if you choose to be honest with them in a way they can relate. Now, I'm not saying every part of your article needs the "wear your heart on your sleeve" honesty. However, I am saying that if you want to connect with your readers, you need to appeal to their emotions.

Emotions are triggered by memories. So tap into your readers' happiness, anger, joy, frustration, hope, and emotional identity by sharing yours in multi-color. Again, think of yourself as a charismatic speaker in front of a crowd. If you get up there to tell them black and white facts, all you're going to hear is the occasional cough interrupting the crickets. You know you need to develop momentum and no forward building motion is built better than telling an honest story that readers can relate to.

For more information on evoking emotion, click here and here.

8. Make them feel.

Feeling and sensation is a powerful tool that many authors fail to achieve in their writing because they often confuse it with emotion. Tapping into feeling can make your articles more memorable: it's the difference between saying, "He was ready to take offense" and "He was prickly." The former is a personality trait that's not entirely memorable. However, the latter depicts a bristling man whose thorny attitude will only result in pricking you should you choose to engage with him.

Tap into your audience's senses: sight, touch, smell, and taste. Describe moments or ideas objectively or subjectively. Employ analogies by comparing two or more things, use similes to show how something is like another, and try out a metaphor to convey an idea.

For more information on writing more descriptively, click here.

9. Don't over promise and under deliver.

Many, many new authors make this mistake: Promising all of the answers in the title, but failing to deliver in the article or not delivering any new information than what already can be found. So when readers stumble into titles such as "Get Rich Quick" (suggests to start an online business, but fails to state anything beyond that) or "Lose Weight FAST" (suggests the standard drink water, exercise, and watch your food intake), readers are bound to be disappointed. That's not to say the information in the articles wouldn't be helpful! The issue is the author set the readers' expectations and hopes too high without delivering upon those expectations.

Be honest! Besides writing a great title (see point 1 again) that you can deliver on, the key to preventing your articles from dashing the hopes and expectations of readers is by over delivering in your article body. This will involve continuous discovery, critical thinking, collaboration, and niche study. Why? Because you're going to be a leading authority in your niche and you need to build your authoritative knowledge so you can deliver content that makes an impact.

For more information on cultivating unique knowledge you can wow readers with, click here.

10. Encourage feedback.

It's implied that you keep tabs on your audience by asking them questions or soliciting feedback. In some cases, you may feel like you're stalking them on social media. You need to know your audience, but do they feel like all of that feedback they have invested or may invest in you will be lost to the abyss of marketing schemes? Are you actually listening or are you just making them feel as though they've contributed?

Show them that you're listening in your articles. Show them you are responding to their feedback, comments, questions, and suggestions. It may be as simple as sharing their question ("Katie, a client from New York asked recently ..." or "I was having a discussion Greg from the Google+ community ...") and then illustrating your response. At the end of your articles, encourage more questions, comments, and suggestions. Ask them what they want to see in the future and then deliver.

For more information on repairing your connection with your audience, click here.

Whew! There's a lot of information in this post and still a lot more where that came from, but trust me when I say this: you'll find these 10 tips more than worthwhile when you see the results and the solid connection you've only begun to build with your audience.

Your feedback is important to our community of Expert Authors! What tips or advice would you add to our list? We'd love to hear from you! Click here to share your comments, questions, and suggestions.

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Help readers fall in love with you even more by writing more quality, original articles that inspire them and help them achieve their goals using EzineArticles' Article Templates. Get the original 52 Article Templates or select from 9 Build Your Own Article Template Packages featuring 15 unique Article Templates! Get them at the EzineArticles Shop today!

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Debra Fortosis "My Staffing Agency Is Growing and Flourishing" is undoubtedly the top ezine online. You set the gold standard and all other ezines simply follow your example. Partly due to your website, my babysitting, nanny, and senior care staffing agency is growing and flourishing in greater Sarasota, Florida. Thanks for helping me get high Google rankings and find more satisfied clients!

Debra Fortosis

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Friday, March 21, 2014

[EzineArticles] 10-Step Spring Cleaning Checklist for Expert Authors

10-Step Spring Cleaning Checklist For Expert Authors Logo

Spring Is in the Air!

Ready to bust out your mop bucket, brandish your feather duster, and rotate your wardrobe from winter to summer?

Hold on! We've got something so much better:

It's time to spring clean your writing routine!

Use this checklist to give yourself relief from clutter and overwhelming disorganization. It'll help you be more productive in your article writing and content marketing efforts!

  1. Tackle your workspace, including clutter on your desk and on your computer's desktop. Keep only what you need at arm's length and on your desktop. Lose the piles of paper stacked at your elbows and the dozens of folders and icons on your computer. Toss/delete items that no longer hold relevance, create a home for in-progress items that you'll need immediate access to, and stow away other items that you'll need for reference in its proper home.

  2. Create zones in your workspace! No one wants to scramble to pay their bills and search for that last genius idea because it's lost to the abyss. If you work out of your home office, then have a zone specifically for writing materials to isolate it from your "paying bills" and "storage" zones.

  3. Organize your filing! Do you have a system? How do you keep track of in-progress and current files? Archived files, such as bank records, housing information, and personal records shouldn't be mixing with your content writing efforts. Active files should be sorted by importance and accessibility. Develop a functional system that works for you to keep things manageable and unclutter your workspace. Go paperless where you can and create a paper-flow system for notes, reports, etc. when paperless isn't an option. Toss (please shred and recycle!) paperwork you no longer need.

  4. Take inventory of distractions. Track your time for a week to ferret out those time-wasting tasks throughout your day. Track how much time you spend on social media, each time you check your email or text messages, and much more. At the end of the week, find areas you can eliminate by measuring whether they help you achieve your goals. For example: Is achieving level 101 on the latest swap 'n match game worth all of that time you invested in it over your goals? Delete the game and consider what else you can easily clear away so your priorities come first.

  5. Back up your computer files. If your computer crashed tomorrow, would all of your files be safe? Ensure these are backed up to the cloud, on an emergency external hard drive, etc. While we safeguard your articles on (as long as you save it!), we've heard nightmares about hacked blog accounts or entire accounts deleted on host sites. Is all of your published content backed up as well? It's always better to be safe than sorry!

  6. Sort through your old drafts. If you didn't finish writing it and a few weeks have passed by, are you likely to finish it now? Is the topic still relevant? Toss out those old drafts. For those ideas you're not ready to part with, jot down the core of the idea in your notebook or journal, but rid yourself of the clutter. For drafts worth revisiting, make sure they are up front and center to your upcoming lineup - plan it in your editorial calendar, add it to the to-do list, or whatever system you use to write!

  7. Revise your plan. Have you revisited your writing plan, editorial calendar, and content marketing strategies since last year? You do have a plan, right? Unless you write for the joys of writing (which we welcome wholeheartedly!), it's important to track your articles, measure their successes and failures, and then adjust your plan accordingly to evolve with trends and your audience.

  8. Whip your reading materials into shape. If you're like most authors, you're also a prolific reader. Have your bookshelves reached (or gone over) capacity? Is your Internet browser's toolbar cluttered with bookmarks to more articles, resources, and tools? It's time to sort through each reading "pile." Create a short-term storage solution for magazines, etc. and clean this area out routinely. Create a space that you will notice everyday (bookshelf near your workspace or a "READ ME" folder on your toolbar) and then generate a reading to-do list of the books or content you need to read with the action plan to do it! Once read, move it to a more permanent home or discard/donate/delete it if you no longer need it.

  9. Create a system for ideas storage. Ensure you have a streamlined system to house your ideas. This will help you avoid that unwieldy mess of paper slips, disjointed voice memos, etc. Although there's a variety of apps (like Bamboo, Penultimate, and Evernote) and other forms of software and technology that can help you achieve this, there's nothing as simple, accessible, and ever-reliable as the notebook. We've illustrated the two column system below that has worked well for many professionals because of its simplicity:

  10. Continue to use your system. Once a week, do a "maintenance" routine by repeating the above steps over again (put things away, toss unneeded documents, clean up your Internet browser, and keep desktop shortcuts under control).

Tip on throwing out items: If you don't have a good reason beyond "I might need this someday," then it's probably not important. Put it in "the round file" (i.e., your trash bin).

What's your favorite spring cleaning tactic to freshen up your writing space and routine? We'd love to hear from you - click here to share your comments, questions, and suggestions!

Want more Spring Cleaning tips? Click here to discover how to clean up your articles in 3 steps.

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: You have so much knowledge and many experiences to share with the world! Make it easier with EzineArticles' Article Templates. Pick your own Article Template Packages:

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Marc De Bruin "I am really grateful that sites like Ezinearticles exist ..."

I have really loved my journey with EzineArticles so far. It's a great tool to use. I often consider the amount of work that must go into this site. If I had to do all that myself, I'd go mad! I am really grateful that sites like Ezinearticles exist, as they make life for not-too-techie authors like me so much easier! And in a strange way, is somewhat of an accountability partner for me as well. If I don't post anything for a while, I start feeling guilty! Which makes me write, get noticed; which then motivates me to write more, etc.!

Marc De Bruin

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Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day Sale 2014 sale is Ending in Exactly 1 hour. Last 2 packages left..

Re: St. Patrick's Day Sale 2014 is Ending in Exactly 1 hour.

Hi Sherif,

The 84% yearly discount sale is just about to end in 1 hour and we only have 2 packages left now.

Get Article Video Robot for 84% discount <- Click here.

Remember, this is our last sale. You will not get Article Video Robot at this price ever again!

If you are serious about marketing for your business with videos, then you really don't want to miss this amazing opportunity.

San Kumar,
Founder, Article Video Robot.

P.S. Remember, the St. Patrick's day sale will end in EXACTLY 1 hour. The offer page will automatically close after that.

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St. Patrick's Day Sale 2014 sale: Selling out fast (only 10 hours left)

Re: St. Patrick's Day Sale 2014 Ending in 10 hours..

Hi Sherif,

Get Article Video Robot for 84% discount!

But the sale is about to end in 10 hours and we only have a few accounts left.

Click here to get Article Video Robot for 84% discount!

If you are serious about video marketing for your business, then you really don't want to miss this amazing opportunity.

San Kumar,
Founder, Article Video Robot.

P.S. Remember, this sale will end in EXACTLY 10 hours. The offer page will automatically close after that.

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[EzineArticles] St. Paddy's (Not Patty's) Day Grammar Fun

St. Paddy's (Not Patty's) Day
Grammar Fun Logo

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Around the world, Saint Patrick's Day is widely celebrated, whether by feasts, parades, great displays of the color green, and much more merriment.

However, there's one screaming error that prevails year after year ...

It's "Paddy" not "Patty!"

Whenever I see "Happy St. Patty's Day," I imagine that the day is March 18th (the day AFTER Saint Paddy's) and I picture a diner waitress named Patty. Why would this proud waitress have a day named after her? For all of those hungover St. Paddy's Day celebrators who are so wrecked that they, in awe of this merciful waitress named Patty, say "please" when she asks, "more coffee?"

On the website Paddy Not Patty, Marcus Campbell explains the source of the double "d" in "Paddy" comes from the "Pádraig," which is an Irish male name deriving from the Latin "Patricius" or the English "Patrick." Alternately, Campbell continues, "Patty" comes from "Patricia" or is a diminutive form of the "hamburger patty."

Why not have the best of all of these words? Celebrate St. Paddy's Day on March 17th, Patty's Day on March 18th (don't forget to thank your waiters and waitresses!), and then wait a few months for May 28th to roll around when you can celebrate National Hamburger Day.

Spoken Like a True Irishmen

Although the Irish language is spoken by less than 15% of the national population of Ireland*, it has influenced much of the way Irish citizens speak their dominate language: English. Did you know that the Irish language and other Gaelic-influenced dialects don't have words for "yes" or "no"? Typically, the below responses would be answered "yes" or "no" by most Anglophones, but not by our Irish brothers and sisters of the world:

  • Can you give me a lift to the station? I can./I can't.
  • Would you like to get a cup of coffee? I would./I wouldn't.
  • Do you like green apples? I do./I don't.
  • Did you hear? I didn't./I heard.
  • Are you going to the city? I am going./I amn't.

Did you notice how the response often echoes the verb in the original question? You did! Remarkable, isn't it? (Response: "It is!") And that last point: "I amn't" - what's the deal there? If we have negative contractions for "be" such as isn't (is not), aren't (are not), wasn't (was not), and weren't (were not), then why not amn't (am not)?!

While there are dozens of English accents around the world, it's also true that there are many Irish accents. So there's no ONE Irish dialect. But there are a few common traits to replicating the sound; for example:

  • Use elongated vowels, so "how are you?" becomes "ha-ware-ya?" The "au" (in "how") and "oo" (in "you").
  • Enunciate or use hard consonants even if the words sound like they are slurred together.

10 Phrases and Slang of the Irish

  1. "Sure look it" - acceptable response for any question, statement, or comment
  2. "A whale of a time" - a good time
  3. "quare" (as in "it is quare warm today") - quite or very
  4. "put the heart crossways" (in someone) - to give someone a fright
  5. "wrecked" - very tired, usually after a night out
  6. "like hen's teeth" - something rare
  7. "I will yea" - I definitely won't
  8. "banjaxed" - broken
  9. "wet the tea" - make tea
  10. "pull your socks up" - get to work

To all of our Expert Authors, have a safe and great St. Paddy's Day!

To view this blog post online and share a comment, click here.

* Price, Glanville (2000). Languages in Britain and Ireland. Wiley-Blackwell. p. 10.

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Be your client's lucky charm using these powerful Article Templates today!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Nigel Brooks " has worked out extremely well ..."

The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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St. Patrick's Day Sale: 20 Article video robot at throwaway prices (today only)

Re: St. Patrick's Day 2014 Sale (20 accounts only)

Hi Sherif,

St Patrick's Day is all about celebration, mischief, good luck and fun! To celebrate this special occasion, today we are giving away 20 business accounts at a flat 84% discount.

Get Article Video Robot for 84% discount

Pay for just 2 months and get an Article Video Robot business account for a whole year! Yes, crazy as it sounds it's true. You get the whole Article video robot yearly pack including 1500 videos, 1500 submission credits, HD videos and all the premium business account features.

The best part is that this discount will remain effective as long as you're a member.

We only have 20 accounts to give, so it's strictly first come, first served.

San Kumar,
Founder, Article Video Robot.

P.S. Remember, this special St. Patrick's day sale is only for today. The offer page will automatically expires after midnight.


D&N Pvt. Ltd., POB #19771, Fresno, CA 93794.

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Friday, March 14, 2014

[EzineArticles] How to Write Informative Content With a Creative Twist

How to Write Informative Content With a Creative Twist Logo

Increase Your Creative Power

Want to have fun? Want to be more daring and feel great about taking risks without worrying about failure? Want to see opportunities instead of obstacles? Want to improve your problem solving skills? Want to be more innovative? Want to be happier and more playful with your writing?

Tap into your creativity.

Discover how you can be more creative, the creative writing process, and gain 10 creativity-infused writing strategies from the pros in the graphic below. Click the graphic below to view this post online!

Click here for an in-depth transcription of How to Write Informative Content With a Creative Twist from Penny, EzineArticles' Managing Editor!

What's your strategy to improve your creativity? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: With St. Paddy's Day just around the corner, you can find your pot-of-gold and generate more leads with EzineArticles' Article Templates. Go to to get yours!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Lee Binz "I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers."

I started article writing when I started my newsletter in late 2006. At that time, I had about 25 subscribers - mostly friends and family. Since then I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers.

Lee Binz

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New "Electric" theme unlocked for your account

Hi Sherif,

This is Bob from Article video robot. Last month we added 7 new video marketing features in your account. This month our focus has been on the design.

But before I tell you more, here is an amazing news for you: Next Monday, we will be having our St. Patrick's day sale. And we will be giving away 20 business accounts at throwaway prices. So, mark your calendars for 17th of March!

Anyway, so I'm happy to announce that we've just hired a full time designer "Sujoy" who is currently working on creating new themes. Here is his first design.. it's called "Electric".

Check out the video preview created with the new theme:

Electric theme preview

I have already enabled this theme into your account.

You can access it directly by clicking this link here.

Your feedback is appreciated (and really helps us to improve). Just hit the reply button and let me know.. :)

To your continued success,

Bob Thompson.

Article video robot.


D&N Pvt. Ltd., POB #19771, Fresno, CA 93794.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

[EzineArticles] 7 Keys to Repair a Severed Connection with Your Audience

7 Keys to Repair a Severed
Connection with Your Audience Logo

Your Opportunity Is Now

Maintaining reader engagement is hard.

There are dozens of minuscule details that can make or break your audience's distraction-prone, hair-trigger attention span. Make it and you'll have gained a reader. Break it and you'll lose a reader.

If you ended up making a bad impression due to a down website, a stray typo in your article, or even a negative review, then it's important to remember: it isn't the end of the world.

It's an opportunity.

You may lose a battle here and there, but your commitment to get back up when you fall and improve your strategy will help you achieve a successful outcome.

Take the opportunity now to get back on track.

7 Keys to Repair Your Connection With Your Readers

1. Is That the Time?! You Ran Out of Time, Again

You're busy. They (your audience) get it. Frankly, your audience doesn't care whether you balanced a bowl of soup on your head while riding a unicycle, made tea, and wrote your article at the same time. They do care, however, that you took the time to carefully craft that article for them because once they've read it, your article will make an impact, big or small, on their personal or professional life.

Your Key to Opportunity: Decide on your goals and the outcome you want to achieve. Create to-do lists and plan for the unexpected by reserving time to deal with it each day. Whatever you do: Write that article.

2. Yawn ... Your Audience Isn't Paying Attention

Your articles are BORING. They regurgitate the same tips everyone else is delivering and they're duller than [insert the title of the most boring book you've ever read]. Your articles should grab your readers' attention by the lapels, lively shake them about with descriptive language, and move them with helpful advice they can apply to their lives.

Your Key to Opportunity: Read outside of your niche and consider how it may relate or impact your topic. Learn something new to expand your skillset and experiences. Dredge up those old memories and consider how your audience can learn from your experiences. And don't leave your audience hanging after delivering an insightful article: propose a call to action where a task or lifestyle change is recommended, and offer incentive when completed or embraced. Direct them towards something that may appeal to them that is original and that they can follow up on it with you.

3. Whoops! You Let an Error Slip Through

Nobody is perfect. When you get called out on a mistake and your credibility takes a hit, it can take a lot out of you. In writing, this can include grammatical errors, spelling blunders, or conflicting information.

Your Key to Opportunity: Thoroughly check your articles (or anything written) before committing them. Get a second set of eyes on it to catch those tiresome errors. If an error is made public, cover your bases with grace and seal the wound. Accept the error with great humility, apologize for it, thank whoever brought it to your attention, correct it or amend it, and propose a healthy resolution for the future.

4. Is This Thing Working? You Have Challenges Spreading the Word

Promoting isn't always easy. You perform research so your promotion rolls over your audience like a wave of fresh air, rather than an unwanted tidal blast. Who's your target audience? Are you only in your comfort zone or do you want to step out and test different waters? What worked in the past that is no longer an effective campaign? SO many questions!

Your Key to Opportunity: Find out who your audience is - even if it's your best guess - and then publish an article targeting them. Measure your audience's response: consider the message, the tone, the place you placed the article, and much more. Get out there and test. Challenge yourself to leverage the best promotion strategy for your platform.

5. Why Me?! Someone Is Being Difficult

Even in your proudest moment or achievement, there's always a possibility of someone going after you. Some people like to get under your skin and slow you down when you're almost at the top. You can even be heckled in front of others.

Your Key to Opportunity: The worst thing you can do is ignore them, or let them feel like their thoughts don't matter to you. Turn the tables and employ humor. Laughter can help soothe the attack and let the person know you're confident in your stance and willing to negotiate to create a positive outcome for everyone involved. Ask them to propose a resolution to give them a sense of ownership. From there, you can negotiate a positive outcome.

6. Error 404 or Not Found ... Technology Goes Kaput

Technology can simply make the impossible possible. However, it can also cause a lot of stress and leave you hanging. We've all had that heart in throat moment when our computers have crashed after an hour's worth of work and we pray that we saved recently or that all isn't lost. What's worse, when our websites decide to go on the fritz and prevents our visitors from interacting with our website.

Your Key to Opportunity: First, always compulsively save and remain calm. If it's lost, then you'll just have to start over or change your strategy. No sense in losing your head over it. Secondly, there are dozens of free services you can sign up for to alert you when your website isn't running smoothly. Many times, the first place people will go to find out if a website is down is on social media, so be sure to send out a message on those channels letting your audience know that your website is back and running. Most people are compassionate and understand the issues when you reach out to them.

7. You Think You're Better Than Me or Huh? Your Content Is Over Their Head

"[Jargon, jargon, and more jargon]. If you don't do [jargon], then [more jargon]. That's why you should [some more jargon]." What are you trying to say? No one wants to read an article or content that they can't relate to or makes them feel like an idiot.

Your Key to Opportunity: You're the expert, but your audience may not be. Avoid regurgitating facts people can't relate. Find common ground with your audience and connect on a broader approach by sharing relatable and relevant experiences while breaking down confusing content into terms your audience can understand.

Keeping your readers engaged while effectively avoiding possible disaster can be hard work for the average writer. Check in with your audience personally to see what they're currently interested in and ask for feedback to get a bird's eye view of how they're responding to your content. Take polls or surveys to keep on your toes and show your readers that they matter. Not only will your tips and advice brilliantly shine, but your commitment to excellence will too.

How do you ensure you're connected to your readers? Do you have any stories to share about having severed a connection with your audience and how your repaired it? Click here to let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Keeping connected with your audience is easy with the EzineArticles Article Templates. Containing highly detailed writing prompts with the recommended format of each article, these Article Templates make it easy to engage readers combining your unique experience and credibility with an easy-to-read format that's friendly to readers. Get them today:

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Judy H. Wright "... the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort."

Thanks so much for the great publicity. I was amazed at how many articles I already had written when I started digging out all my old notes and speeches. It just took a little reformatting, bringing up to date and filling in here and there to have them ready to send off to you. Even though we are swamped with projects, the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort. Keep up the good work.

Judy H. Wright

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Friday, March 7, 2014

[EzineArticles] International Women's Day: Women Who Inspire Change

International Women's Day:
Women Who Inspire Change Logo

"And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time." - Libba Bray

This year's International Women's Day theme struck a chord with us:

Inspire Change.

EzineArticles' Expert Authors - both women and men - inspire change in each and every article they write.

In honor of International Women's Day, we sought out the leading authors from our Women's Interests category. From topics ranging from work-at-home moms braving the balance between child rearing and business to revealing political, economic, and social rights for women in order to empower women and men in the future, these authors share their own experience, knowledge, and motivational stories to inspire change in their readers.

Read the stories and hard-won wisdom of these authors to find out how you can inspire change in others and grow in your personal and professional life.

10 Women Who Inspire Change

  • Debbie L Kasman

    Higher Education teacher and author, Debbie L. Kasman is an expert on topics pertaining to spirituality, education and female leadership. Check out her article:

    Why Women Should Run the World

    If we wish to save the world before we destroy ourselves, we need to flood our institutions with female leaders. When we combine the rational masculine with the empathic feminine, we gain a balanced wisdom. We need the masculine and the feminine, the yin and the yang, in order to restore wisdom and balance to our world.

  • Gloria Thomas-Anderson

    Social worker, teacher, inspirational author, and motivational speaker, Gloria Thomas Anderson shares truth and love through her authentic writings. Check out her article:

    Who Is Speaking Into Your Life, Ladies? Inspiring Insight For Your Soul & Spirit!

    Many women are taught to be submissive, especially to men and to those in authority. Sometimes this can be to one's detriment because that voice may not be qualified to advise you. Relying on girlfriends for advice can wind up being the worst move.

  • Evelyn Kalinosky

    Radio host, coach, speaker, author, and poet, Evelyn Kalinosky specializes in helping midlife women increase their sacred capital. Check out her article:

    A Midlife Woman's Journey to Being Fully Human

    Life can be hard. We need inspiration to soften that hardness, but we also need space and freedom to be vulnerable about what is hard.

  • Lisa M Fitzpatrick

    Women's coach and mentor, Lisa M Fitzpatrick is passionate about bridging the gap between modern science and spirituality to bring transformation and empowerment to conscious women entrepreneurs around the world. Check out her article:

  • The Call To Adventure to Change Your Life

    Being called to live your Soul Purpose starts with a desire to expand and change your life. The Heroine's journey is a mythic quest most women around the world are often called on. This quest urges them to be more of who they truly are. It comes in the form of an inner urging and restlessness and may even present as a crisis which forces change and deep, profound reflection.

  • Susan Meindl

    Licensed psychologist, Susan Meindl has a special interest in the psychological challenges of introverted and Highly Sensitive (HSP) clients and practices psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. Check out her article:

    Suffering and Change: Healing Comes Only When You Suffer the Right Thing

    Much psychological and practical energy may be expended in trying to fix the wrong kind of suffering. Many defensively motivated behaviors such as addictions, obsessions and perfectionism create suffering in their own right. Often they are so very difficult to fight because they are not really the problem themselves but actually the defensive solution to a problem that is emotionally harder to deal with. The end of suffering comes only when we are willing to suffer the right thing instead.

  • Lisa Merlo Booth

    Relationship coach and author, Lisa Merlo has worked with hundreds of women who have become more effective communicators at work, at home and in the human race. Her one-on-one coaching provides clear insights, straight talk and solidly-grounded advice. Check out her article:

    Women and Leadership: A Call For Change

    Women, and the world, will benefit by women stepping in with a new kind of leadership. Booth challenges female leaders to think differently than ever before. Dare to step out from the old "power-over" paradigm and into a new paradigm that models a calm strength, a grounded presence and a collaborative spirit that truly mentors rather than shames those working under us.

  • Rita Krocha

    Freelance journalist, poet and blogger, Rita Krocha is passionate about writing and motivates women and men to be adventurous no matter their age or situation. Check out her article:

    Women, the Amazing Species

    March 8 is International Women's Day and suddenly all the world's attention is on them. The world celebrates women on this day- the amazing female species whose hearts are tugged in a lot of common places but are most times filled with love.

  • Marcea Hibbert-Roye

    Social worker and life coach, Marcea Hibbert-Roye is a strategic lead developer for women who specializes in developing emotional awareness in females in order to improve their lives. Check out her article:

    How to Be an Empowered Woman

    Many women seek to empower themselves through a range of differing things, but these are usually of materialism. Women equate empowerment with things that can either be bought or given to them. True Empowerment comes from within and cannot be bought but can be used to acquire your hearts desires effortlessly. Would you know how to Empower you?

  • Claire Pearl

    Fashionista and author, Claire Pearl aspires to be a model and works with several fashion designers while sharing her experiences in the petite fashion world through her writing. Check out her article:

    5 Ways to Celebrate International Women's Day

    Every year, on March 8, the celebration of International Women's Day takes place around the world. In some areas, the celebration tends to focus on the achievements of women, including their political, economic and social achievements. In other areas, it is seen as more of a general celebration which is designed to engender love, appreciation and respect to women around the world.

  • Alaina Odessa

    Author, Transformative Speaker, and Life Coach to Christian women, Alaina Odessa motivates women to give themselves permission to courageously bloom into their fully expressive, fulfilled, and free selves. Check out her article:

    How To "Self-Love" Your Way To Emotional Freedom and Authentic Expression

    Many women have been conditioned to believe that self-love equates to selfishness. This article plainly debunks that and may just whet your appetite for a renewed journey into the exciting, fulfilling, and life giving territory of falling in love with YOU more and more!

Continue the International Women's Day celebration today and every day checking out these and more great articles by the women and men from our Women's Interest category who inspire change every day. Don't miss another article by Subscribing to New Article Alerts of the Women's Interest category today!

Have a comment or question about this post? Click here to share your feedback and join the discussion!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Want to know how you can inspire change? Start by downloading the EzineArticles Article Templates, think of your experiences that resonate with each template, and write, write, write! You have so much to share - make it easier with Article Templates.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Cindy Wydan "The Most Quality Article Website"

I have been posting articles on for quite some time. I found it is the most quality article website and it helps authors' websites to get a higher ranking on big search engines as well as boost their traffic. Their customer service is excellent too!

I would recommend to web masters who want to use "white hat" search engine optimization for their websites.

Cindy Wydan

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

[EzineArticles] 10 Things You Need to Give Up Before You Can Succeed as an Expert Author Newsletter
10 Things You Need to Give Up Before You Can Succeed as an Expert Author Logo

It's Time to Let Go

Does it seem like there's a wall between you and your ability to succeed? Are you sure it's not you?

When it comes to success, we can be our own worst enemy.

Today, I want you to read this list and truly consider, "am I doing this to myself?"

For each point that you are, I want you to write down the last three words of each point that applies to you:

"Let _____ go."

Post each phrase in a location where you will (consciously and unconsciously) see it as a daily reminder. Rewrite it every time you start feeling procrastination creep in or those negative thoughts niggle at the back of your brain. Look at your note and say it out loud - use it as a mantra to reframe your thinking and begin working positively on your writing goals.

You can do this. Ready? Of course you are! Let's begin.

10 Things You Need to Give Up Before You Can Succeed

1. Letting the criticism of others get to you.

"You're no Shakespeare" or perhaps you're not the best writer in your niche. So what? You know the progress you've made and everything you had to do to get to this point. Those critics don't. Don't let the negative opinion of others stop you from doing exactly what's best for you. Keep on writing! Let criticism go.

2. Thinking failure is a bad thing.

"F" isn't something we want on our reports and writing portfolios, so I don't blame you. No one wants to fail, but isn't failure an indication of having tried? Let go of any shame you perceive in your failures. They do not equal your future. It's your willingness to try and dare to fail that allows you to achieve success. Let failure go.

3. Vacillating on a decision.

Indecision - in business, relationships, and our writing - can lead to any number of problems (like writer's block or 0 article views). Know what you want by setting a goal and using it as a compass in making decisions moving forward. Ask yourself, "Does this help or hinder my ability to achieve my goal?" Let indecision go.

4. Putting off things that are important.

Procrastination will get you nowhere. Waiting for "the best time to come around," like making resolutions on New Year's Day or waiting for the perfect circumstances (such as a quiet home or office), may never happen. If the best time to begin writing was yesterday, then the second best time is now. Let procrastination go.

5. Giving up on things you can actually control.

Take personal accountability and don't give up because everything isn't under your command. Sure, you can't control everything in your personal and professional life, but you can choose to do something proactively about it that will influence positive change. For example: You may not be able to control incoming calls while you're trying to write, but you can choose whether to answer that call. Every day presents a new opportunity to make an entirely different set of positive choices. Let unaccountability go.

6. Needing to be right all of the time.

No one is perfect. It's okay to admit that you're wrong. It humanizes you. If you've changed your stance on a particular issue you've already written about, it's okay to publish a new article on your new stance and explain why. It will help you and your readers grow. Let perfection go.

7. Hiding from problems.

Have a strong flight reflex? No one gets poor marks for actively seeking solutions to a problem, so stop running from your personal and professional problems. Fight. Chances are that your readers are facing the same problems. Why not seek out solutions, test them, and share the results (good or bad) with your readers? Let hiding go.

8. Making excuses.

"I couldn't" write that article because … "I have kids," "I was so tired," "I had a meeting," etc. We hear a lot of excuses and some of them are valid! But here's the crux: How often are you going to excuse yourself from making progress toward achieving your goals? Little by little (7 minutes here, 2 hours there), you can start taking steps toward achieving your goals today. Let excuses go.

9. Overlooking positive points.

"I only got 100 views. This is taking too long; I'll never succeed." Building exposure takes time. Remember that even the smallest wins are still wins. Lose this fantasy that you will be an overnight success - that's left to the likes of Grumpy Cat - and begin building toward long-term success. Let negativity go.

10. Forgetting about your current audience.

Looking too long into that crystal ball of the future, you might envision new audiences, completely different forms of content, and much more. In your haste to attain that future, you may forget about your current audience. Marginalizing those who helped you get to where you are today will not help you succeed. Never forget to appreciate your present audience and continue to meet their needs while you expand to other areas. Let exclusion go.

What do you think should be added to this list? What else should you let go to be successful in your efforts? Click here to share your comments!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Want to kick procrastination to the curb? Download the Article Templates for endless article ideas that make writing so easy and the exposure so great, you'll be more motivated to write than ever before! Get them at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Gerald Gillis "... professionalism and excellence ..."

EzineArticles has impressed me with their standards of professionalism and excellence. I am happy to be one of their authors.

Gerald Gillis

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