Inspire Change.
EzineArticles' Expert Authors - both women and men - inspire change in each and every article they write.
In honor of International Women's Day, we sought out the leading authors from our Women's Interests category. From topics ranging from work-at-home moms braving the balance between child rearing and business to revealing political, economic, and social rights for women in order to empower women and men in the future, these authors share their own experience, knowledge, and motivational stories to inspire change in their readers.
Read the stories and hard-won wisdom of these authors to find out how you can inspire change in others and grow in your personal and professional life.
Debbie L Kasman
Higher Education teacher and author, Debbie L. Kasman is an expert on topics pertaining to spirituality, education and female leadership. Check out her article:
Why Women Should Run the World
If we wish to save the world before we destroy ourselves, we need to flood our institutions with female leaders. When we combine the rational masculine with the empathic feminine, we gain a balanced wisdom. We need the masculine and the feminine, the yin and the yang, in order to restore wisdom and balance to our world.
Gloria Thomas-Anderson
Social worker, teacher, inspirational author, and motivational speaker, Gloria Thomas Anderson shares truth and love through her authentic writings. Check out her article:
Who Is Speaking Into Your Life, Ladies? Inspiring Insight For Your Soul & Spirit!
Many women are taught to be submissive, especially to men and to those in authority. Sometimes this can be to one's detriment because that voice may not be qualified to advise you. Relying on girlfriends for advice can wind up being the worst move.
Evelyn Kalinosky
Radio host, coach, speaker, author, and poet, Evelyn Kalinosky specializes in helping midlife women increase their sacred capital. Check out her article:
A Midlife Woman's Journey to Being Fully Human
Life can be hard. We need inspiration to soften that hardness, but we also need space and freedom to be vulnerable about what is hard.
Lisa M Fitzpatrick
Women's coach and mentor, Lisa M Fitzpatrick is passionate about bridging the gap between modern science and spirituality to bring transformation and empowerment to conscious women entrepreneurs around the world. Check out her article:
The Call To Adventure to Change Your Life
Being called to live your Soul Purpose starts with a desire to expand and change your life. The Heroine's journey is a mythic quest most women around the world are often called on. This quest urges them to be more of who they truly are. It comes in the form of an inner urging and restlessness and may even present as a crisis which forces change and deep, profound reflection.
Susan Meindl
Licensed psychologist, Susan Meindl has a special interest in the psychological challenges of introverted and Highly Sensitive (HSP) clients and practices psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. Check out her article: Suffering and Change: Healing Comes Only When You Suffer the Right Thing
Much psychological and practical energy may be expended in trying to fix the wrong kind of suffering. Many defensively motivated behaviors such as addictions, obsessions and perfectionism create suffering in their own right. Often they are so very difficult to fight because they are not really the problem themselves but actually the defensive solution to a problem that is emotionally harder to deal with. The end of suffering comes only when we are willing to suffer the right thing instead.
Lisa Merlo Booth
Relationship coach and author, Lisa Merlo has worked with hundreds of women who have become more effective communicators at work, at home and in the human race. Her one-on-one coaching provides clear insights, straight talk and solidly-grounded advice. Check out her article:
Women and Leadership: A Call For Change
Women, and the world, will benefit by women stepping in with a new kind of leadership. Booth challenges female leaders to think differently than ever before. Dare to step out from the old "power-over" paradigm and into a new paradigm that models a calm strength, a grounded presence and a collaborative spirit that truly mentors rather than shames those working under us.
Rita Krocha
Freelance journalist, poet and blogger, Rita Krocha is passionate about writing and motivates women and men to be adventurous no matter their age or situation. Check out her article:
Women, the Amazing Species
March 8 is International Women's Day and suddenly all the world's attention is on them. The world celebrates women on this day- the amazing female species whose hearts are tugged in a lot of common places but are most times filled with love.
Marcea Hibbert-Roye
Social worker and life coach, Marcea Hibbert-Roye is a strategic lead developer for women who specializes in developing emotional awareness in females in order to improve their lives. Check out her article:
How to Be an Empowered Woman
Many women seek to empower themselves through a range of differing things, but these are usually of materialism. Women equate empowerment with things that can either be bought or given to them. True Empowerment comes from within and cannot be bought but can be used to acquire your hearts desires effortlessly. Would you know how to Empower you?
Claire Pearl
Fashionista and author, Claire Pearl aspires to be a model and works with several fashion designers while sharing her experiences in the petite fashion world through her writing. Check out her article:
5 Ways to Celebrate International Women's Day
Every year, on March 8, the celebration of International Women's Day takes place around the world. In some areas, the celebration tends to focus on the achievements of women, including their political, economic and social achievements. In other areas, it is seen as more of a general celebration which is designed to engender love, appreciation and respect to women around the world.
Alaina Odessa
Author, Transformative Speaker, and Life Coach to Christian women, Alaina Odessa motivates women to give themselves permission to courageously bloom into their fully expressive, fulfilled, and free selves. Check out her article:
How To "Self-Love" Your Way To Emotional Freedom and Authentic Expression
Many women have been conditioned to believe that self-love equates to selfishness. This article plainly debunks that and may just whet your appetite for a renewed journey into the exciting, fulfilling, and life giving territory of falling in love with YOU more and more!
Continue the International Women's Day celebration today and every day checking out these and more great articles by the women and men from our Women's Interest category who inspire change every day. Don't miss another article by Subscribing to New Article Alerts of the Women's Interest category today!
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