Wednesday, January 26, 2011

[EzineArticles] Keep Your Body in Great Shape

Keep Your Body in Great Shape Logo

A well-balanced, nutritional diet and exercise will do wonders for your article body.

If you want to keep your body finely tuned, you'll likely resort to working out and eating a healthy diet to achieve the results you're after. Part of eating a healthy diet is providing your body with the proper nourishment to burn calories.

Taking that analogy over to the world of article writing and marketing, you also need to give the body of your article proper exercise, diet and nourishment to achieve the results you're after. The results, in this case, being a ton of qualified traffic and an increase in long-term customers.

Creating a Compelling Article Body

In the spirit of New Years resolution season, it seems like the perfect time to share a few tips to shaping and toning the perfect (article) body. Consider these tips to writing great content:

  1. Learn Basic HTML - Think about the articles or newsletters that capture your attention online. Most likely you'll come to the conclusion that some HTML was used to design those pieces. The good news is that it's not very difficult to learn some basic HTML, and basic HTML skills are all that you'll need to make a dramatic difference in the look and feel of your articles. Of course, it isn't necessary to know HTML to benefit from article writing and marketing, but it helps.
  2. Introduce Appropriate White Space - Make sure you have plenty of white space in the body of your article. Articles are much easier to read when they aren't all stuffed together.
  3. Make Sure Your Content is Original and You Own It - The whole point of article writing and marketing is to share your expertise with your audience. Once you're labeled as "the expert," you'll be in a great position to drive those folks to your site and turn them into long-term customers. However, if you steal content, your readers will see you for who you are and will likely stop reading your articles.
  4. Give More Than Just Fluff - Make sure you have quality content in the body of your article instead of a bunch of fluff leading up to the hype of one of your products. Your readers are expecting you to be an expert and maybe even relying on your expertise to make decisions for their business or lives. If you aren't delivering your readers great content and all they get is a steady stream of sales messages, you will likely lose your audience before you ever get the chance to reap the benefits.
  5. Keep Your Articles Clean - Double and triple check articles for proper English and grammar. There's no faster way to lose credibility with your audience than syndicating an article that's littered with grammar and spelling mistakes. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This one is completely in your control, so exercise your power and make sure your articles are clean before making them public.

These tips encompass just one of many different lessons covered in The EzineArticles Formula. The comprehensive training course covers article body basics along with many other topics.

5 Days Left to Enroll in The EzineArticles Formula

Enrollment for the course started last week, and seats are filling up fast. We've increased the cap to 250 students for this class, which opens up an additional 50 seats, but we won't extend things beyond that. Don't miss your chance to discover all about this proven marketing strategy and what it can do for your bottom line. Go here to enroll today:

To read this entry online or post a comment, click here.

Rob, Director of Online EducationTo Your Article Writing/Marketing Success & Passion!
Rob's Signature
Rob, Director of Online Education

PS: All owners of The EzineArticles Formula will receive access to a live, 60 minute, VIP teleseminar led by Chris Knight on the topic of the Long Tail.

The EzineArticles Formula Member Endorsement
Pete Rumball "Why would anyone bother with any other article directory?"

Wow! Why would anyone bother with any other article directory? The EzineArticles Formula is providing me with some awesome tools.

Pete Rumball

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