Tuesday, December 18, 2012

[EzineArticles] Are Your Resource Box Links Transparent and Relevant?

Are Your Resource Box Links Transparent and Relevant? EzineArticles.com Logo

Increasing Your Success

We recently discussed 7 tips to increase your click rate and how several elements of your article and Resource Box play an enormous role in satisfying your reader's needs. In return, satisfied readers will give you power to build a solid platform of success. Let's take a closer look into a healthy Resource Box and how you can naturally encourage your readers to visit your blog or website with clear, relevant, and concise language in concert with your links.

4 Key Elements to Bear in Mind

When you write, you not only write to inform in your article, but you also provide further value and relevance within your Resource Box and on your links to your blog or website. Be sure to blend these four key ingredients well and you'll have a recipe for article success.

Brand: The topic you write about and how you showcase your expertise is a direct reflection on you as an Expert Author and your personal or professional brand. You're the expert, so give your readers the information they want and need by providing your original insights. Be transparent in your Resource Box and website by ensuring your brand carries through your submission to your website.

Keywords: You want to sound authoritative, but not spammy - only use keywords naturally and maintain quality. It's possible to highlight key ideas and thoughts without using specific keyword phrases dotted throughout. The language in your article should be natural, purposeful, and create a bridge of trust between you and your reader. This bridge provides a clear path to your Resource Box without the keyword "clutter."

Anchor text: A good way to think about anchor text is as a gateway or "window" to more relevant content. What's your company name? What's your URL? The text used here needs to be transparent and relevant, thereby "anchoring" your brand and furthering the information you've provided within your article. Avoid using keyword phrases in anchor text that don't read naturally to highlight your most important asset: your brand.

Links: How much trust you've built in your relationship with your audience will be tested in your Resource Box and on your links. Without relevance, your links won't be strong enough to pull your audience in for more juicy content. Provide a common thread by carrying your article topic through your entire submission to your website: your article > Resource Box > website.

Introducing Co-Occurrence in Your Resource Box

So how does combining all of these elements serve to enhance your anchor text? Each of these things work together to reinforce transparency and relevance, and your Resource Box is ultimately where the two come together to work their magic. This can be done optimally by practicing "co-occurrence."

Co-occurrence is based on brand association and is often used by search engines to determine quality and relevance for its users. For example, if you think of a word like "chips," "cola," "shoes," etc., no doubt a particular product or brand came to mind. Using co-occurrence, you can use keywords associated with your brand in your Resource Box to reinforce your transparency, relevance, rank, and click rate.

For example, let's say you're an expert on fish and aquariums and your company is "Joe's Fish and Aquariums." Rather than repeating keywords in your Resource Box or in your anchor text, pair your brand with your URL and use this to formulate your call-to-action:

"Joe Smith has been an aquatic expert for over 30 years. Joe's Fish and Aquariums is your number one source for aquarium fish and supplies. To order, go to http://example.com"

By doing this, you've increased your transparency by making it clear who you are, you've shown that your anchor text is indeed relevant to your article topic, and increased the likelihood readers will want to connect with you on your website or blog. What do you do to increase transparency and trust with your readers? Let us know in the comments section here!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Want a tremendously successful method to plan your writing efforts? Click here to discover how you can create an annual Editorial Calendar with these easy tips.

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I recommend EzineArticles.com to anyone who wants to increase their web visibility and build an expert reputation.

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