Every month @EzineArticles provides well over 100 useful tidbits of information and training - We've gathered some of the best ones from December right here. Retweet any of them for motivation or to share with your Twitter followers. Just CLICK on to auto-populate your Twitter status field. Quotes and Ideas - "The desire to write grows with writing." - Erasmus. Create good habits & grow your audience! pic.twitter.com/uVyiRpXu
- "No man was ever wise by chance." - Seneca. Discover. Become the expert your readers turn to. pic.twitter.com/3dzge9jY
- "Writing is the most fun you can have by yourself." - Terry Pratchett. Write solo or collaborate? pic.twitter.com/vc1o5kEv
- "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." - B. Franklin. Prepare to succeed with an article writing strategy.
- "Good writing is like a windowpane." - George Orwell. Be transparent with your audience to gain trust and credibility.
Article Writing and Grammar - "On the first day of submission, my article came back to me ..." Watch this video to sing along! bit.ly/ZolYiO
- One word can make all the difference in your writing: Lightning vs. Lightning bug. pic.twitter.com/hWDxdwIa
- Wld u trusts a mssge spellm lik dis? Always proofread your article for grammar AND spelling to maintain trust.
- Skip the lists. Get the Top 25 Spelling Blunders infographic at ow.ly/gnDmP
- Spelling Tip: What's the temperature outside? 32 degrees Fahrenheit (not Farenheit) or 0 degrees Celsius (not Celcius).
EzineArticles Tips and Training Snippets - Practice makes perfect. Rome wasn't built in a day, so practice, practice, practice your article writing!
- You don't improve by merely showing up; you improve with practice, having the right tools, & asking for help. We're here!
- Find the meaning of your experiences & relate them to your niche to write engaging and personable articles.
- You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. Think big! Push yourself and your articles beyond the norm!
- A keyphrase is a natural sequence of words that a user enters into a search query. The KEY word is NATURAL.
EzineArticles Inside Information - Rejection isn't easy. Add these 10 quality measures to increase article success ow.ly/g11df
- Do you use an Editorial Calendar to plan your writing efforts? We'd love to hear from you at ow.ly/g9Xqa
- Is your content worth sharing? Find out: ow.ly/fMXOD
- The debate on article length rages on: 400-700 words vs. 1,000 words. What's your answer? ow.ly/fPp0H
- Top 7 tips to identifying unoriginal content. How important is originality to you? Let us know at ow.ly/fTav6
Motivational Moments - Are you a top author? To get somewhere other than where you are, you have to do something different. Change to grow.
- We're staying warm, cozy, and editing articles. What fuels your article writing fire? pic.twitter.com/sMhnfCGo
- 15 minutes? You can do anything in 15 minutes ... including brainstorming 15 new article ideas. Go ahead, do it now!
- Ideas are like holiday decorations: The more you have, the better it is! pic.twitter.com/I6feCog8
- Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the ideas are so delightful ... let em' flow, let em' flow, let em' flow! pic.twitter.com/vmUdfq3F
What's your favorite Tweet from December? Let us know in the comments section below! Don't forget to follow our Twitter page for the latest and greatest EzineArticles tips, tricks, and tools! |
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