Monday, September 30, 2013

[EzineArticles] 7 Steps to Achieve Greater Satisfaction in Article Writing

7 Steps to Achieve Greater Satisfaction in Article Writing Logo

Writing unhappily will only lead to more frustration and an unsuccessful future as an Expert Author.

Get pumped for your writing sessions and feel so much more fulfilled when you take a break with these 7 steps.

7 Steps to Greater Satisfaction

1. Set Goals

Most people have a very romantic notion of an author: crumpled clothes, frazzled hair, some sort of smoky haze, and erratic bursts of energy devoted to writing. This typically isn't the case. While taking risks and not suppressing great ideas can be beneficial, greater satisfaction can be won by maintaining a rhythm and staying on task with effective planning. Set goals to track your progress and motivate yourself by celebrating each milestone. Working towards goals not only activates positive feelings, but can also suppress negative feelings. Use any anger you have built up to tackle one of your goals! The feeling of accomplishing a task you set yourself is beyond rewarding.

2. Anticipate Future Moments

Happiness is just around the corner. If you anticipate an enjoyable moment, the results can have a meaningful impact on your path. Feel more relaxed in your writing process by visualizing where you would like to be in the next days, weeks, or years to come. Think of running a marathon: When you see the finish line ahead of you, you have a sense of accomplishment as you think of each step you take toward getting there and once you've crossed that line - it's finished - you did it! Stay focused and capture that feeling of accomplishment to stay motivated.

3. Timing is Key

Have you ever given thought to the absolute BEST time to write? It's different for everyone and the key is discovering the time of day you're most productive and positively inclined to write. Very few can write brilliantly whenever they want to, no matter what's going on around them or the time of day. Find what time works best for you so you're not struggling against the clock.

4. Include Bits of Positivity

It's next to impossible to strip your articles of any bias, but you can ensure your articles are constructive and positive. Prepare by creating a list of good events that happened in your day. Allow the positivity to sink in and include these experiences in your articles. For example, if you're writing a health and fitness article, you can integrate personal experiences that resonate with your advice. Silver lining moments can often reach readers better than fear mongering. A little hope and positivity can go a long way.

5. Write Yourself Happy

Stress can take its toll on your writing. Worries, tasks, bills, etc. - stressful thoughts can latch on and be difficult to overcome. If you are searching for some satisfaction in your life in general, then try writing the stress away! You may have other tactics to let off steam, but writing has been a proven therapeutic tactic and it may help you keep the negative results of stress off of others. Exchange seats with your audience (you're the audience attempting to solve a problem): Write down your stresses or problems. Ready? Switch seats again (you're the Expert Author) and systematically pick through each stress, provide a list of solutions, and reframe each problem by turning them into a positive and constructive goal.

6. Try Something New

Shake up stale routines by trying something new on a consistent basis. Some people like to cook a brand new meal each week to keep things at the dinner table interesting. You can do the same in writing! Write in a new style or on a new subject. Switching it up will help you generate new ideas and lead to breakthroughs in your writing.

7. Find Your Reality

Negative feedback from your peers can surely be draining, and not just criticism on work you have completed. If someone says (including yourself) that you can't do something or it's not possible, remember this: YOU can decide what's possible for you as well as where joy starts and ends. That's why goals are so important. They keep you on task and ensure appropriate boundaries are set. Your reality can be as big or small as you want it to be. Think of it as a gate you put around your environment. You can certainly move the gate in or out as you choose - it's not set in stone. Be creative and avoid overthinking. If you believe you can do it, then go for it!

Follow your bliss and enjoy what you do! Writing takes time, patience, and a strong mind to continue when you're interrupted. As long as you keep at it, there's no telling how far you will go and what tips you'll pick up along the way. There's no greater satisfaction in writing than knowing you gave it your all and had the right mindset going in. Stay focused on your goals and achieve great satisfaction in your writing!

How do you find your bliss in your writing? Have questions or comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Keep in mind that one way to make your writing more satisfying is to make it easier. Article templates can do just that. Check out the variety of packages available in the EzineArticles Shop.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Kristen Burgess "... my original articles still bring traffic to my first website!"

I began my first website in November of 2006 and by early 2007 I had enough content to start promoting it ... I first learned about article marketing from my site's webhost and their guide to getting traffic to your site. They also recommended EzineArticles as a high-quality article directory ... Some of my original articles still bring traffic to my first website!

Kristen Burgess

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Friday, September 27, 2013

[EzineArticles] 10 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

10 Social Media Marketing
Mistakes to Avoid Logo

Increase Your Following By Avoiding These Blunders

Social media marketing holds incredible power in today's business climate. It's not only a platform that hosts conversations for friends, family, and old acquaintances - it has become our central hub of information for personal and professional use. Most people have a general idea how social media works; however, few have a comprehensive understanding of the type of mistakes that can be made.

Check out these 10 tips to get a better handle on your social media efforts, maintain that audience you've worked so hard to build, and avoid these common blunders!

10 Mistakes to Avoid

1. Failing to Post

Posting irregularly or once or twice a week typically isn't enough to stay on the minds of your audience so that you'll be their primary source in their time of need. Regularly provide them with content that meets their needs and interests (content they can identify with or even rally against), rather than bombarding them with non-benefit driven promotions.

2. Putting Them on Hold

Not responding to audience inquiries or relevant comments is a HUGE mistake. The reason is quite obvious: a response is a fundamental customer service expectation. If a customer calls your place of business with an inquiry, you know their tolerance for being put on hold is very low. Don't put your followers on hold. Be proactive by responding to your social media followers' inquiries both on and off your page to make a connection with your audience.

3. Lack of Creativity

Competition is fierce. To survive, you must go beyond the norm and innovate or risk becoming obsolete. Be creative - grab your audience's attention through humor, shock, motivation, and even give them an offer they can't refuse. Give them a chance to ask the right questions, shock and awe them, and surprise them with something unique.

4. Not Watching Your Competitors

You're off to a good start by reading this post, but it's important to be mindful of what your competition is doing. Nearly everyone has adopted social media as a marketing weapon, so educating yourself on what "the other guy" is cooking up will help you generate ideas and innovate for your own success. Take good notes on what is working for them or looks appealing, and brainstorm some ideas of your own original content that will wow audiences even more.

5. Taking Negative Feedback Too Seriously

It's safe to say most people don't look forward to negative comments or feedback, whether in person or in writing. In social media, this can get out of hand because people have the advantage of speaking freely without penalty or posting anonymously, so they have no reason to hold back. It's important to focus on the "quality feedback" and constructive criticism, not just honing in on the negative and acting out. Feedback will help discover weak links and create opportunities.

6. Too Much Involvement

Good promotion entails advertising to the right crowd, at the right time, and without pushing their "off" buttons. Think about your favorite TV commercials you have enjoyed watching. Would you still have respect for the product being advertised if the same commercial was advertised every 5 minutes? Too much of anything can harm your business. Be original and have adequate timing to avoid annoying your customers.

7. Isolated in One Department

Marketing in only one department limits the multi-functional role that it can have on your business. Different agencies that are the most useful are: advertising, media buying, web development, SEO, PR and customer experience. This should be shared across your company so competitors and customers know you mean business, and see you aren't limited to strictly 1 area of a marketing push. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. This will help you in the long run and will help you establish a clear and varied road map for success.

8. Not Understanding Your Platform

You have to figure out what type of social network fits you and your business. For some companies with limited time to dedicate to social media marketing, it can be frustrating to try to keep up with every hot new social media platform available. Use the platforms your audience is most active on to avoid wasting time as well as have clear goals and a solid content strategy for each platform.

9. Ignoring Data

Having a goal and understanding what you're doing on social media sites is one thing, but keeping track of everything you're doing is equally important. Every click, like, new follower, article read or purchase can and should be tracked for your own benefit. Research the best ways to track and use this data so you can stay competitive and know what strategies are working. Sites like Hubspot have amazing tools to track how successful different social media platforms are and can recommend changes for your business.

10. Paying for Your Fanbase

You'll get about as much engagement out of a stone as you will by buying followers. Not only that, but it will jeopardize your account as more social media pages are taking action against unnatural practices. As long as you follow the above tips in social media marketing, you will never have to resort to "cheating" tactics like paying for fans, likes, views or any other campaign that will increase your fanbase.

What mistakes would you like to add to this list? Questions? Comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Failing to provide quality, original content consistently is another huge mistake for new content writers. Prevent this error by stockpiling your article portfolio with quality, original articles using the Build Your Own Article Template Packages as your guide.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Nigel Brooks " has worked out extremely well ..."

The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

[EzineArticles] Top Misused Words Part VIII

Top Misused Words Part VIII Logo

If something doesn't sit well with you, will you be able to set aside your feelings?

If your brother turned into a frog, should you turn him in to your parents? Does the principal establish the principle of the thing? And frankly, is every supermarket Express Line wrong?

We're back again with the next 5 most commonly misused words in the English language and we're tackling some tough phrases that can be incredibly confusing. Without further delay, here they are!

Fewer vs. Less

fewer - Used with count nouns (nouns that can be pluralized when needed), fewer is a quantifier indicating "a smaller number of."

Incorrect: Yellow Express Lane: 10 Items or Less
Correct: Yellow Express Lane: 10 Items or Fewer

less - Used with non-count nouns or mass nouns (a noun that indicates both plural and non plural when appropriate), less indicates a "smaller amount of" or "not as much."

Incorrect: The rabid mongoose would do fewer harm if it was given ping pong paddles.
Correct: The rabid mongoose would do less harm if it was given ping pong paddles.

Into vs. In to

into - Expressing movement or action with the result that someone or something makes physical contact with, becomes enclosed, or is surrounded by something else. Combined with the word "turn," into also indicates changing someone or something into someone or something else.

Incorrect: She imagined turning her boss in to a newt.
Correct: She imagined turning her boss into a newt.

in to - The adverb "in" (expressing movement with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else) is followed by preposition "to" (expressing motion in the direction). Combined with the word "turn," in to also indicates giving, passing, or exchanging someone or something to someone or something else.

Incorrect: She turned her report into her boss.
Correct: She turned her report in to her boss.

Past vs. Passed

past - Reference to a distance or a period of time before now.

Incorrect: The tourists drove passed the large dark aardvark in the park.
Correct: The tourists drove past the large dark aardvark in the park.

passed - The action of passing; i.e., to move or cause to move in a specified direction to go past or across or to leave behind.

Incorrect: The aardvark past the time burrowing.
Correct: The aardvark passed the time burrowing.

Principle vs. Principal

principle - A fundamental source or basis of something.

Incorrect: "Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principal is always a vice." - Thomas Paine
Correct: "Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice." - Thomas Paine

principal - First in order of importance main, denoting an original sum invest or lent (money), or the person with the highest authority.

Incorrect: The winners are paid from the interest without even touching the principle.
Correct: The winners are paid from the interest without even touching the principal.

Set vs. Sit

set - To put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position.

Incorrect: Sit the fence post into a bed of concrete for added stability.
Correct: Set the fence post into a bed of concrete for added stability.

sit - To adopt or rest with the torso vertical and the body supported on the buttocks; to remain inactive or unused; to be engaged in business; or the way in which an item of clothing fits someone.

Incorrect: The idea didn't set well with Fernado.
Correct: The idea didn't sit well with Fernado.

Maintain your credibility with your audience by proofreading your articles for these misused words and making any necessary revisions. Do you have any misused words you'd like to see added to the Top Misused Words series? Click here to share them in the comments section – we'd love to hear from you!

Check out Top Misused Words Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII for more!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Your readers need your expert help when it comes to putting their best face forward. Click here to build trust with your readers by giving them your valuable tips and your tried-and-true techniques with your next batch of articles using the Spread the Word article template package.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Lee Binz "I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers."

I started article writing when I started my newsletter in late 2006. At that time, I had about 25 subscribers - mostly friends and family. Since then I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers.

Lee Binz

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Monday, September 23, 2013

[EzineArticles] 25 Writing Ideas and Article Topics to Reach Your Audience

25 Writing Ideas and Article Topics
To Reach Your Audience Logo

Content Is King

Write quality, original content that meets the interests and needs of your audience and you will succeed at becoming a leading authority in your niche - but no matter how long you sit at your writing desk, what if you can't think of what you should write about?

Whether you've been writing articles for years or you're brand new to content writing, bookmark or pin this list of writing ideas and article topics to give your next writing session (and all future writing sessions) a great kick start.

  1. Categorize Phases: Identify stages of a process, activity, or topic in general, such as introductory, advanced, and professional or even mild, moderate, and severe.

  2. Take Them Back in Time: Reminisce and reflect on how it has changed for better or for worse. Readers love nostalgia and younger generations may be able to use it for research.

  3. Create a Checklist: Make a list of items required, things to be done, points to be considered, or items used as a reminder.

  4. Identify Common Problems: Describe a frequent problem or problems and then provide solutions.

  5. Uncover Obscure Problems: Describe a sporadic or uncommon problem or problems and then provide solutions.

  6. Take a Stance: Factually address a controversial issue, but be on the side of caution! Make telling the truth your goal and the controversy the side effect of that truth.

  7. Propose Counter Positions: Suggest the other side of a topic by providing the counter argument or angle.

  8. Jump Into Current Events: While staying in your niche, identify relevant links between a current event and a topic as well as show your audience how they're affected.

  9. Write a Dear Expert Q&A: Provide a relevant question from a client or customer in a Dear [Your Name] format and provide a personable, compassionate response.

  10. Provide All Angles: Consider a highly discussed topic and provide an in-depth explanation of a topic based on unique insights, analysis, and commentary - pros and cons, risks and benefits, etc.

  11. Illustrate a Euphemism: Evaluate how a euphemism is similar to aspects in your niche and break down the meaning by listing similarities and differences.

  12. Create a List of Goals: Help readers set realistic goals by providing a list of common goals in your niche and identifying measures and milestones to achieving those goals.

  13. Identify the Golden Rules: Provide a list of rules that sum up the primary lessons you've discovered or learned through your experience and expertise in your niche.

  14. Share Gratitude: Create a list of things you're grateful for in your niche and explain how each item works and why it was critical to your success.

  15. Bring Seasonal Cheer: Select a holiday or season and provide tips or insights relevant to the festive context (e.g., decorating, presents, traditions, consequences, etc.).

  16. Be Helpful with a How To: Like a recipe, provide the chronological steps to achieve a particular end goal as well as list the ingredients or supplies needed.

  17. Share the Love: Share something you love (or have a passion for) and describe why you love it.

  18. Industry Trends: Identify, provide examples of, and analyze recent trends in your niche that are pertinent.

  19. Lay Down the Law: Even if they're more like guidelines than laws, create a list that identifies the unwritten rules or laws of your niche.

  20. Take Readers on Location: Share location-specific details about places you're familiar with, like sharing a perspective on culture values, local/regional laws, unique amenities, and attractions.

  21. Share Saving Techniques: Pick a resource in your niche that's important, share why it matters, and propose proven methods to save that resource.

  22. Prevent Mistakes: Hindsight is 20/20. Turn your mistakes into an education resource to help your readers avoid the mistake by identifying them and then provide measures on how it can be avoided.

  23. Recommend Motivating Activators: Share how you stay motivated to maintain your drive for success in lieu of the constant balancing act of family, work, and play.

  24. Bust Myths: Point out a prevailing myth in your niche. Bust it by providing evidence, whether one point or a list of facts, that completely debunks it.

  25. Review Products and Services: Provide an unbiased critique of a product or service in your niche that will help benefit readers in their purchase.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret: This list is based on the writing ideas and prompts of the first 25 article templates you get in the bulk 52 Article Templates package. Get the structure for these writing ideas and 25 more article topics by downloading all 52 interactive Article Templates on PDF!

Want more? Browse our Build Your Own Article Template Packages which contain a set of 15 interactive article templates on PDF. Get the package that best suits your audience and your needs to write quality, original articles fast!

Questions? Comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Bonus! Get 10 interactive Article Templates on PDF FREE by signing up for any Premium Membership subscription length. Sign up at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Judy H. Wright "... the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort."

Thanks so much for the great publicity. I was amazed at how many articles I already had written when I started digging out all my old notes and speeches. It just took a little reformatting, bringing up to date and filling in here and there to have them ready to send off to you. Even though we are swamped with projects, the positive effects of passive income and name recognition is well worth the effort. Keep up the good work.

Judy H. Wright

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Friday, September 20, 2013

[EzineArticles] Harness the Awesome Power of Article Templates

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Power of Article Templates Logo

The ultimate tool for making your writing faster, easier, and better!

Much of your success with article writing and marketing lies in the number of high-quality, informative, and original articles you have published. Notice the emphasis on high-quality, informative, and original? Nothing trumps these three aspects when it comes to being successful. Skimping on any of them is the sure road to failure. However, next in line is volume. Let's face it, more published articles means more readers, and more readers means more clicks to your landing page.

That's where article templates come in. They're designed to make your article writing faster, easier, and better by providing the ideas and structure you need to quickly create great original articles that are both easy to read and informative. Best of all, they provide the ideas and structure you need to get started and write efficiently.

Watch this video to discover more about the awesome power of article templates:

Downloadable Versions:
WMV Format     MOV Format     MV4 Format     MP3 Format

As I mentioned in the video, our article template packages come in two different varieties: the 52 Article Templates Package and the Build-Your-Own Article Template Packages. The first provides 52 assorted templates that have a variety of styles and structures with which to write your articles. The second has a selection of smaller article packages, each with its own theme. You simply pick and choose the packages that are right for you.

Looking to increase your exposure, readership, and landing page visits while at the same time making your writing efforts faster, better, easier, and more enjoyable? Then by all means, get yourself some article templates! :-D You can find them at

Questions? Comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Marc, EzineArticles Product Marketing ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Marc, Product Marketing Manager

PS: As you can see, article templates are a great tool for making your article writing faster, easier, and more enjoyable. Adding the assorted tools of a Premium membership can make it even better. Check out everything Premium has to offer at http://EzineArticles/Premium/

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Christine Larsen "I love the templates"

I find I love the templates and have a file with copies of all of them. Sometimes I go through them and put Post-it notes on individual templates with ideas/titles/themes - ready for possible development into an article ... it often stirs a memory or fits somehow with an opinion I hold, or an idea that's still deep within my 'think tank.'

Christine Larsen

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

[EzineArticles] NEW: Expert Author-Themed Facebook Cover Photos

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Do you like our wallpapers? Then you'll definitely love our Facebook Cover photos!

If you haven't already liked EzineArticles' Facebook page then you're definitely missing out! Like us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on the latest Expert Author news, blog post releases, daily article writing inspiration, photos, and much more. Explore and like what you see, comment to kick start or join a conversation, ask questions that benefit the entire Expert Author community, and feel free to post a photo or video related to your article writing experience.

And now you can take a little EzineArticles and writing love to your own personal Facebook profile page with EzineArticles' free cover photos!

Click on any of the images below to visit this post online and download your favorite EzineArticles' Facebook Cover Photo to use as your very own!

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Don't forget to "Like" our Facebook Page and say hello! Facebook not your thing? Get instant access to a dynamic stream of information, discussions, tweets, posts, videos, and a whole lot more with the EzineArticles social network. Check out our other EzineArticles channels! Find us on Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Like what you see? Let us know! Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Want more time to spend on your social media efforts? Find that time with the speed and efficiency you get from using article templates!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Patricia Weaver "EzineArticles surely has worked for me."

I really have supported my business with my ezine articles ... This has been a tremendous boost to branding of my name, my website, and my various projects. I am looked upon as an expert on aging, someone that writes about their subject. People get an idea of what you think, as well as what you can give to their organization or on an individual basis. EzineArticles surely has worked for me.

Patricia Weaver

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Monday, September 16, 2013

[EzineArticles] Weekly Writing Plan to Strengthen Your Writing Muscles

Weekly Writing Plan to Strengthen Your Writing Muscles Logo

"Don't be a writer, be writing." - William Faulkner

Writing is like a muscle and with regular exercise, you'll improve your ability to compel readers with your message and prevent those muscles from seizing up.

Make exercising your writing muscles a daily habit by incorporating this easy Weekly Writing Plan into your routine. This routine starts you off with 1 article per week. However, you wouldn't use the same weight every day to strengthen your muscles, would you? Continue challenging your writing muscles by increasing the amount of articles published per week to improve your writing skills as well as build your exposure and authority.

It really does adds up! Check it out:

  • 1 article per week for one year = 52
  • 2 articles per week for one year = 104
  • 3 articles per week for one year = 156

Start writing now using this Weekly Writing Plan and be on your way to the top of your niche! Simply click on the graphic below to view it online.

Weekly Writing Plan

Day 1: Outline

  1. Create a Catchy Title that Hooks Readers
  2. Write Dynamic Subheadings that Organize Your Article
  3. Establish Your Call-to-Action

Take a Break!

Focus on another task! Once you've written down your topic's intention in an outline, allow your topic to sit in your head and even sleep on it. You will unconsciously "work on it" as your brain processes new and old information: what you already know about the topic, relevant information, experiences, memories, and more.

Day 2: Write

  1. Review & Revise Your Outline for Missing Elements
  2. Fill the Outline in with Quality, Juicy Details & Descriptions
  3. Focus on Writing
  4. Don't Stop or Pause to Consider What You Wrote
  5. We Mean It! Write Now. Edit Later

Take a Break!

Once you've finished writing, focus on something else - it doesn't have to be complicated, just something that will pull your attention. You need to step outside of your power-writing mode by recharging your brain on another task.

Day 3: Revise & Proofread

  1. Pretend It's Not Your Piece
  2. Trim Superfluous Text
  3. Seek Out Holes in Logic
  4. Revise as Necessary
  5. Proofread for Spelling and Grammar
  6. Repeat Steps 1-5 as Necessary

Take a Break!

Focus on a positive activity or thought. Day 3 can be grueling and humbling, so it's important to reaffirm your strengths and remember the good things.

Day 4: Submit & Plan Release

  1. Read Through the Article One More Time
  2. Submit to
  3. Develop Your Article Release Plan (Social Media, Newsletters, Alerts, etc.)

Day 5: Promote

  • Published: Yes - Fulfill Your Article Release Plan & Engage Your Audience
  • Published: No - Awaiting Review? Take a Floater Day
  • Published: No - Were There Issues Found? Address the Issues and Resubmit
  • Contact EzineArticles' Support as Needed

Floater Day

  • Brainstorm Article Topics & Future Article Titles
  • Scope Out the Competition
  • Research Trends
  • Connect & Engage with Your Audience
  • Read (Anything!) & Simply Absorb the Information

Want to share this image? Simply copy/paste the code from below into your blog or website.

<a href=""><img src="" title="Weekly Writing Plan"></a>

Additional Resources

  • How to Create Quality Content in 7 Steps [Learn more]
  • How to Use Timeboxing to Write Articles Efficiently [Learn more]
  • How to Prevent Article Writing Information Overload [Learn more]
  • How to Promote Your Content [Learn more]
  • 5 Methods to Put More Time on the Writing Clock [Learn more]
  • 5 Steps to Gutting Your First Draft [Learn more]

Questions? Comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: If you're planning to write quality and original articles, don't forget about our Article Templates. They provide the ideas and structure you need to write great articles quickly and easily. Get them at

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Cathy Stucker "... build an expert reputation ..."

After submitting articles to, I experienced a dramatic improvement in my website's search engine rankings -- and the increases in traffic and sales that come with top rankings.

I recommend to anyone who wants to increase their web visibility and build an expert reputation.

Cathy Stucker

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