Monday, January 24, 2011

[EzineArticles] Reflections on History Article Template

Reflections on History
Article Template Logo

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." – George Santayana

Whether you want it to or not, history will repeat itself. The best way to take control of that is by studying history and evaluating how events influence us individually and communally.

On a small scale, our personal histories help us make decisions. On a larger scale, we can use the experiences of others to our advantage.

In this template, you'll capitalize on the importance of history by writing an article based on this very topic.

To start with, think of an event that shaped your niche (or the way you think about your niche) in a revolutionary way. This could be a personal event or a very public one (e.g. your first day at a new job or the day Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball). Then, use your personal knowledge and/or research to generate your own reflection on why it's important.

Structuring the Reflections on History Article

  1. Reflect First and Take Notes – You may choose to do the reflecting on your own or with a group of friends. Think about the meaning of the event in history. Once you've pondered the importance of the historical event, organize your thoughts.
  2. Write a Compelling Title – Take your main concept and turn it into an interesting title for the article. It should include the event you're reflecting on.
  3. Give Your Reflections – Share what you think about the event. What does it mean to you? What does it mean to others? Why is it revolutionary? Did people understand the significance of the event when it happened? Are we still learning about the event?
  4. Look to the Future – Offer a look into the future of your niche. If many things have changed, the changes may keep coming. Your speculations may or may not come true but giving your speculations will give you a chance to show your expertise.
  5. Recap Your Reflections – Think of the main take-away and use that to summarize your reflections. Perhaps revisit what happened leading up to the event or after it.

Help your audience remember the past by writing an article which reflects on historical events. Your article will have value now and for years to come. Leave a comment to share your own ideas on this historical article template:

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing/Marketing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

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