Friday, November 11, 2011

[EzineArticles] 2 Minute Approval Tips: #18 Article Summaries

2 Minute Approval Tips: #18 Article Summaries Logo

Episode 18 of the "2 Minute Approval Tips" Video Series

The article summary ranks as the most neglected part of an article submission. It's no surprise when so much attention is placed on the title, the article itself, the resource box, and not to mention highly relevant links to a quality landing page! However, your article summary plays a critical role in getting a reader's attention.

Think of an article summary like a movie preview. Great previews provide a brief window of action and drama, as well as the overarching theme to entice the viewer without giving the whole movie away. A captivating preview that engages the viewer will result in a significant increase of ticket sales.

Watch this video and discover what elements go into a great article summary to increase your readership with your next set of quality, original articles!

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A Quick Recap of the 18th "2 Minute Approval Tip"

The purpose of the summary is to give a brief teaser or synopsis of your article highlighting the benefits. You want to entice readers to want to read your article versus someone else's.

Here are a few key elements to a great article summary:

  • Your summary should be 2-5 sentences in length and should not exceed 200 words.
  • It must be error-free, grammatically correct and utilize proper sentence structure, capitalization and punctuation.
  • Your summary should be short, catchy and right to the point.
  • Share with your reader why your article content is important and let them know they'll find more by reading the rest of your article.

Writing a Great Article Summary

Work backwards! Write your entire article first and then write your article summary. This will help you understand the main points and benefits you'll want to include in the summary for your readers.

Avoid putting too much content into your summary. If you give too much away in your summary, then there really isn't any reason for your readers to continue reading your article. Your audience should feel compelled to continue reading.

Remember to keep your summary reader-benefited, providing clues to the article's content. Any self-serving information should be reserved for your resource box. This may include:

  • Your author name.
  • A website URL or email address.
  • Blatant self-promotion.

In addition, ensure your summary is formatted properly. Avoid:

  • Paragraph breaks.
  • HTML of any kind.
  • Microsoft Smart Quotes
  • Special Characters, e.g. é, í, ó, ú
  • Money symbols, e.g. Euro (€) or GBP symbol (£)

Also, avoid repeating your article title in the summary. It already appears above the summary itself.

Keep in mind the importance of the article summary while submitting your next article and use these tips to help create a good summary for your readers. Doing so will maximize your results and ensure your quality articles are approved on the first submission. If you ever forget to put in your summary, we will automatically use the first few sentences from your article body.

What summary tips can you share? One popular technique includes ending a summary with ellipses (...), which helps hook the reader into the article. Share your article summary tips in the comments section here!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Designed to ease the article writing process and help you get your articles approved on the first submission, you can check out the entire "2 Minute Approval Tips" series here! Put these tips to good use by writing your next set of high-quality, original articles to direct more qualified traffic back to your website or blog!

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Camille Rodriquez "Writing articles is truly the best way to become a leader of thought in your industry or within your circle."

When I launched a new business this summer, I knew that article marketing and blogging was going to be a huge part of it. Writing articles is truly the best way to become a leader of thought in your industry or within your circle...

Thank you, EzineArticles – You literally changed my life, and the process of writing has been profoundly rewarding!

Camille Rodriquez

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