Monday, June 17, 2013

[EzineArticles] Are You Killing Your Writing Success?

Are You Killing Your Writing Success? Logo

On a Writing Hiatus?

Come back before it's too late! Your authority as an Expert Author is dependent on the frequency with which you write and publish articles.

Perhaps you've taken a break from your writing efforts because ...

  • you thought you published enough articles
  • you had extenuating circumstances, such as an illness
  • you couldn't find the time to write
  • you didn't know what to write

Whatever the reason, you could be sabotaging every effort you put into writing by not writing. By not keeping up with your writing and publishing efforts ...

  • your audience will believe you have nothing else to offer and you pose little value to them
  • your articles will lose traction and relevance causing your traffic and exposure to taper off
  • your authority will lessen because you're no longer an active voice in your niche

I get it. Not everyone can dedicate 8 hours to writing (I certainly can't), nor could many authors who made it big. Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men author John Steinbeck ran a fish hatchery. Celebrated American poet William Carlos Williams was a doctor. Horror and Sci-fi/Fantasy extraordinaire Stephen King was a laborer at an industrial laundry.

Not everyone has the luxury to spend all day writing. Big deal. Those who want to succeed make the time (even if that time is a fraction than what's ideal).

If you're pressed for time, here's a strategy that can work for anyone balancing writing with their other priorities:

Dedicate at Least 20 Minutes Daily to Writing

1. Determine What You Will Write

Before you sit down for your 20-minute session, decide what you're going to do. This can be established while you're doing some other task that doesn't require your full attention, such as washing dishes, making copies, or even a bathroom break. Are you going to outline your next article, plan your upcoming editorial calendar, write your first draft, or edit the draft you wrote during your 20 minutes? Having a plan before you sit down will help you focus and get more out of your time.

2. Write, Write, Write

Eliminate distractions, turn off notifications, and close the door to write (or plan, research, etc.). If during your writing session you suddenly think of something that's unrelated to what you're working on, then write it down to remind yourself later. A simple keyword will do, just don't lose your pace or focus by pursuing the unrelated thought.

3. Stick to It

It may be difficult to adjust, but it's important that you stick to your goal to write 20 minutes every day. You can think of it in two ways: 1) It's like training for a marathon - you can't put off your training and expect to be able run well and without doing damage the big day. 2) Initially, writing daily will be like breaking a bad habit (in this case: not writing). It's going to be an adjustment and you're going to look for every excuse to give in and not write, but stick to your goal and write!

20 minutes a day adds up. In 7 days, you will have spent a minimum of 2 hours and 20 minutes. If in this time you only write one article per week, then celebrate it! It's one more article than what you had before and it will help you stay in touch with your audience, increase your exposure, and maintain your authority in your niche.

It's not too late to pick up where you left off in your article writing and content marketing efforts - start now! Spend 20 minutes today to build toward your success.

Have questions or comments? Click here to visit this post online and join the discussion!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: 5 new Article Template packages are coming soon! While you're waiting, go pick up the original 52 templates here:

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Lee Binz "I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers."

I started article writing when I started my newsletter in late 2006. At that time, I had about 25 subscribers - mostly friends and family. Since then I have grown my monthly newsletter to over 14,000 subscribers.

Lee Binz

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