Wednesday, October 2, 2013

[EzineArticles] Summary Writing Hints and Tips That Get Great Results

Summary Writing Hints and Tips
That Get Great Results Logo

The summary may not be as glamorous as the title or as fulfilling as the article itself, but it's still important to your article's overall success.

The summary is your hook to get readers to click on your article. Think of the summary as the hot fudge to your article title's ice cream. You can give a headline that states "Ice Cream" and it may be enough to turn a few heads, but not likely. Add a quick summary that describes the ice cream in more depth - such as the promise of a creamy, chocolate, mouthwatering, hot-fudge sundae - and you're far more likely to get the attraction you want and need.

Hot fudge aside, here are a few more reasons why you need a quality, original article summary:

  • The summary is the prime placement for your call to action.
  • The summary appears in RSS feeds and subscriber emails (a lot of exposure here).
  • The summary is included along with the title in results listed by search engines.

Are you ready to write a great article summary? Allow these Article Summary Writing Tips to be your guide to writing insatiable article summaries! Simply click on the graphic below to view it online.

Article Summary Writing Tips

Article Summary

(noun) A brief statement or account of the main points of an article.

Article Summary Length

  • 2-5 sentences
  • < 200 words

Tip! Aim for a maximum of 139 characters to allow the published-on date and preserve the text from truncation in search results (...).

Article Summary Writing Best Practices

  • Restate: Don't quote; summarize! Restate the main discussion topic of the article.
  • Don't Dawdle: Get straight to the point.
  • Inform: Present only relevant, non-self-serving information about the article.
  • Transparency: Let readers know exactly what they are going to find in the article.
  • WIIFM: Clearly identify how readers will benefit from the article.
  • Exclusive: Highlight what's unique about your article.
  • Activate: Use present tense and active language for added clarity and urgency.
  • Good Grammar: Use proper spelling, syntax, and punctuation.
  • Compel: Provide a clear call-to-action directing readers to read the article.
  • KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid - don't overcomplicate your summary (see Don't Dawdle).
  • Second Person: Use more "you," "your," and "yours" to help readers place themselves in the article.

EzineArticles' Editorial Guidelines Highlights

Don't include:

  • Your Author Name
  • The Article Title
  • HTML Tags
  • Paragraph Breaks
  • Blatant Self-Promotion
  • Microsoft Smart Quotes
  • Money Symbols, e.g., € Or £
  • A Website URL or Email Address

Want to share this image? Simply copy/paste the code from below into your blog or website.

<a href=""><img src="" title="Article Summary Writing Tips"></a>

Questions? Comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: An article summary is only as good as the article it summarizes. Discover how to write great articles with ease by using article templates. There are a variety of packages available in the EzineArticles Shop.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Marc De Bruin "I am really grateful that sites like Ezinearticles exist ..."

I have really loved my journey with EzineArticles so far. It's a great tool to use. I often consider the amount of work that must go into this site. If I had to do all that myself, I'd go mad! I am really grateful that sites like Ezinearticles exist, as they make life for not-too-techie authors like me so much easier! And in a strange way, is somewhat of an accountability partner for me as well. If I don't post anything for a while, I start feeling guilty! Which makes me write, get noticed; which then motivates me to write more, etc.!

Marc De Bruin

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