Friday, April 25, 2014

[EzineArticles] End Your Frustration with Submission and Save Time

End Your Frustration with Submission And Save Time Logo

Too scared to hit submit? Relief is here.

Some people's 20 minutes to craft an article may take you 5 or 6 days - and that's not even including the days waiting during the article review process.

No matter how hard you try, you wonder: "Can I write articles? Is all of this time spent writing and editing worth my time? Is there a better way to get a ROI with article writing?"

Being an expert does not equate being a professional writer, but that doesn't mean you can't share your insights and experiences in articles. All it says is that you lack the skill set of professional writers to efficiently edit your own work, which in turn helps you avoid article rejection or embarrassing errors from slipping through. As a result, you exchange "fear of rejection" with "aim for perfection" and end up losing so much of your time that would be better spent adding value and increasing your bottom line.

Help - that will save you time, energy, and fear - is on its way with a great new service.

Watch in this quick video.

It's no wonder people are so frightened to click the "Submit This Article" button with such a large variety of ways to get rejected:

Formatting issues, localized niche, bad links, too many links, affiliate links, poor spelling and grammar, keyword abuse, and sales language ... to name a little more than a few.

Even if you have felt a degree of what Gary's felt about perfection, rejection, and feeling completely helpless about the article review process, know this:

Relief is on the way.

Our team has been working diligently on a top-secret service. With it, our Senior Editors will remove the pain of article submission, make sure you put your best foot forward, save you time, and help you reap the rewards article writing offers.

What else? This new service will:

  • free you from perfection and fear of rejection
  • make you look good and prevent embarrassing mishaps
  • give you complete control to maintain your quality standards
  • save you precious time to focus on other goals
  • alleviate the pain of editing your own articles
  • make writing less challenging for non-native English speakers
  • fix all of those grammar errors and/or spelling typos
  • soften less-than-perfect HTML skills
  • take the edge off any struggles with formatting
  • end juggling between business tasks and writing tasks
  • build a relationship between you and your audience
  • help you focus on controlling your message
  • build your brand's platform and exposure
  • reinforce your expertise and authority in your niche
  • create informed and engaged readers
  • help you discover what's important to your customers
  • eliminate time wasted with article rejections
  • minimize the time spent waiting during the article review process
  • give you access to audiences once limited to professional writers


Don't miss your chance to make publishing articles easier and eliminate your fear of article rejection. Sign up for EzineArticles new Blog Alerts, where as always, we break the latest news, insider-industry tips, and more - including when this top-secret service will be available.

Comments? Questions? Click here to visit this post online and join the discussion - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Time's running out! Get 2 fresh Article Templates FREE with the purchase of any Article Temlates package in the Shop. Enter the code: SPRING14 at the checkout to claim your free templates and start your writing sessions with the power of these reader-friendly, time-saving templates!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Francesca Salerno "I'm delighted with EzineArticles."

I love writing my restaurant reviews and other articles without having to keep them in a drawer or go through the hugely complex process of submitting them to newspapers and magazines. I don't have the time for that.

By posting at, my material, which I edit very, very carefully, and which also gets checked out by EzineArticles' very competent editorial staff, is IMMEDIATELY out there in cyberspace, available to an audience around the globe who regularly goes to to find material for their web pages and magazines.

I'm delighted with EzineArticles. It is beautifully run and easy to use.

Francesca Salerno

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