Wednesday, February 9, 2011

[EzineArticles] How to Get Higher Returns From Your Articles

How to Get Higher Returns
From Your Articles Logo

Four ways to help your articles grow to their full potential.

Article writing and marketing is kind of like gardening, and individual articles are like the plants in the garden. Neither process can be completed successfully with a "Set it and forget it"-type mentality. Care and attention are required to help articles (and flowers) grow to their full potential.

Sometimes you need that little extra bit of help getting articles placed in front of the right people, and other times you just want to stretch your content and share it on multiple platforms. Either way, it can be worth the extra effort to maximize the returns you'll get from each article.

Check out this video to discover specific things you can do to get more out of existing articles.

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Here's an outline of the tips from this video on how to get higher returns from your existing article:

  1. Promote - Articles need to be placed where they'll get the most exposure. Otherwise they won't have a chance to get off the ground and they may fail from the start. To combat that potential problem, you need to make your article accessible in a variety of ways. For example:
    • The EzineArticles Widget - Post a list of your live articles to your own website or blog. Website visitors can discover your vast knowledge through the widget.
    • Author Alert Sign-Up Box - By pasting the HTML code generated by this tool to your own website, your fans can sign up to get an email alerting them the minute a new article is published.
    • EzineArticles Tweets - An alert of your newly-published articles can be automatically submitted to Twitter so you tweet your followers with a link to the new content. Also, if there is a lull period where you aren't submitting new articles, it will tweet your EzineArticles Expert Author Bio URL instead. [Learn How]
  2. Repurpose - Take articles and use them as content for new marketing components. For example:
    • Print - If you own a brick-and-mortar business, print off your best articles and post them somewhere in your store. Visitors will be more relaxed (and impressed!) when they see the extent of your knowledge through your articles.
    • Other Components - Based on the information in articles, write informative tweets or develop video scripts. You can also use a set of existing articles all on the same topic to create a PDF report available on your website. This is one more benefit you can share for visiting your website.
  3. Analyze - Spend a few minutes viewing your article reports to see what works and what doesn't. Then, based on that knowledge, you can re-promote the articles that are still relevant and valuable through social media and other means.
  4. Evaluate - Look at some of your under-performing articles and ask yourself, "Is the content still relevant?" If not, that could have a lot to do with why they have less impact. In this case, your best option is to write a completely new article with a varied perspective. Also, this will help you to see the kinds of articles that have the longest-lasting impacts (a.k.a. evergreen articles).

Incorporate these tips into your post-publishing routine to get more out of individual articles, and soon each article you publish will reach its full potential much more quickly.

The routine could make or break the success of your article writing campaign. What actions do you consider as part of your post-publishing routine? Visit this post online and leave a comment to share the process.

Marc, EzineArticles Communications ManagerTo Your Article Writing/Marketing Success & Passion!
Marc, Communications Manager

PS: Your feedback is very valuable and has helped guide many past decisions, so we're asking for your help again. Here's your opportunity to tell us what you think by completing this short survey. In exchange for your time (5 minutes), you'll receive a PDF report on the basics of article writing and marketing that's loaded with great tips and information. Simply click on this link to get started:

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