Wednesday, February 16, 2011

[EzineArticles] Title Suggestion Emails

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Title Suggestions are now as accessible as ever.

As an EzineArticles Expert Premium or Platinum member, you may have already received an email from us that provided you easy access to our Laser-Targeted Article Titles pool. We know that better titles increase your potential views, which equates to higher website traffic, so access to them should be easy!

Here's how we do it:

With the help of the EzineArticles Article Title Writing Service (or simply, Title Suggestions), a recommendation of three titles is generated for you and delivered to you in an email.

We sift through terabytes of data to uncover the most popular keywords and keyphrases that are currently being used to find your articles on The category of title suggestions sent through email will be based on already-published articles on your account, so if you write about weight loss, the title suggestions will be about weight loss.

If you decide you don't want to use a chosen title, simply click on the Return This Title button to return it to the EzineArticles title pool. Titles that aren't used within 24 hours of selection will be automatically returned to the title pool. A new batch of titles can be selected once all of the titles in your existing batch have been used or returned.

To receive these emails, you must qualify. Qualifications include:

  • You must be a Premium or Platinum-level member,
  • You must have at least five or more live articles on your account and
  • Your account must be in good standing

Unsubscribe option: Members are able to unsubscribe from the Title Suggestions emails. You can do this by logging into your account, selecting Account Manager --> Account Preferences, and selecting "No" for the Article Title Suggestions option under Notification Preferences.

Leave a comment by visiting this post online, and let us know if you like or dislike this new feature. We'd like to hear how and why these emails may work for you:

Penny, Managing EditorTo Your Article Writing/Marketing Success & Passion!
Penny, Managing Editor

PS: Your feedback is very valuable and has helped guide many past decisions, so we're asking for your help again. Here's your opportunity to tell us what you think by completing this short survey. In exchange for your time (5 minutes), you'll receive a PDF report on the basics of article writing and marketing that's loaded with great tips and information. Simply click on this link to get started:

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Colin Croucher "... and there it was on page one ..."

I am astounded, I can't believe how quick my articles appear to be indexed by Google. I've just conducted a random keyword search for an article that's been live for 24 hours, and there it was on page one of Google for that particular search, selected from over 4,000,000 page searches.

Colin Croucher

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