Tuesday, January 14, 2014

[EzineArticles] Become a Better Manager: Writing, Excuses, and Solutions

Become a Better Manager: Writing, Excuses, and Solutions EzineArticles.com Logo

Using Every Excuse in the Book NOT to Write?

You're a manager. Perhaps you may not be the person responsible for controlling a company, but you're the manager answerable to your own professional and personal success - including writing.

Own that title: Manager. Allow it to permeate your mindset. Take control.

Next: Become an EFFECTIVE manager. Actively pursue your goals, alleviate stress, be happier, and move closer to achieving your dreams.

I know. You're thinking, "Yeah, but it's not that easy." So what? It's life. Is it supposed to be easy? Would you feel a sense of pride or accomplishment in doing it if it was easy? To quote Marie Curie, pioneer physicist and chemist:

Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.

Have the confidence and perseverance to cultivate your gift by becoming a better manager of it.

Excuses Holding You Back and Effective Solutions

Problem: "I'm overwhelmed ..."

Effective Manager Solution:
Trim the fat. Identify your goals and then list your priorities by importance, beginning with those that actually need your attention and then those that are superfluous to your goal. Lose the tasks that are not required or contribute the least value. And be honest with yourself. Are you really overwhelmed? Perhaps you're overcommitted and may need to practice saying "I can't at this time, but can I take a rain check?" Maybe your vigilant watch over Twitter and Facebook throughout the day can be limited to 20 minutes (once a day). Track your time for a period of a week and determine what you're doing with your time as well as where you can turn areas of low value into great value.

Problem: "I end up procrastinating ..."

Effective Manager Solution:
I'd like to begin this with a "you can do it" sentiment, but you and I both know that's not going to work. You lack motivation. If you're really procrastinating to an extent that's affecting your ability to work toward your dreams, than there may be two areas that you need to address: (1) Are you bingeing on technology like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, BuzzFeed, Netflix, Podcasts, YouTube, etc.? It may be time for a digital detox. (2) Is it really something you want to do? You should be passionate about what you do and what you want to write about, so write about those topics that fire you up. Reevaluate your goals and plans.

Problem: "People ... ugh!"

Effective Manager Solution:
Co-workers, friends, family - people can be seem like an obstacle in your path. Change your thinking: These same people can quite possibly be there to SUPPORT you on your journey. Can you delegate tasks to them? Can you use a negative experience as an anecdote for a great article to share with readers? Can you brainstorm with them or even co-write with them?

Problem: "I'm afraid of being judged negatively ..."

Effective Manager Solution:
Criticism is a part of anything that is in the public eye: articles, desserts, movies, fashion, etc. You can use criticism to your advantage. Listen to what is being said and accept it. Avoid being defensive and consider the source: Are they a respected individual who is well-informed on the topic or a toxic hate-monger? If you made a mistake, then be gracious: admit the mistake and move on. Life's too short and it's not supposed to be easy.

Problem: "I'm not sure it's a good idea ..."

Effective Manager Solution:
Do your due diligence: research, ask questions, etc. Ultimately, you can do all of the research and still not be entirely sure whether it's a good idea or not. There's one absolute: You'll never know if you don't try. Have the confidence to make a few mistakes and have the perseverance to achieve your goals.

Being able to manage these problems can turn a very complicated dance into a beautiful waltz. You're the manager of your writing, professional, and personal goals; start acting like one. Seize this opportunity now and start dancing your waltz today.

This post was written using the Become A Better Manager Article Template from the NEW Managing Your Business And Yourself Article Template Package! Get this and more exposure-boosting Article Templates from the Shop: http://Shop.EzineArticles.com/BuildYourOwnArticleTemplates/

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Have you seen the new Article Templates? If not, head over to the shop to download these game-changing templates today: http://shop.EzineArticles.com/BuildYourOwnArticleTemplates/

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