Monday, January 13, 2014

[EzineArticles] The EzineArticles Blog Comment Policy

The EzineArticles
Blog Comment Policy Logo

Your Comments Are Most Welcome!

Our little blog community is not so little anymore! It has grown into a burgeoning source of information for Expert Authors who want writing tips, need content marketing strategies, and love to join the conversation. So we're taking a moment today to dust off our 7-year old Blog Comment Policy.

This policy includes guidelines we expect to see out of the blog community's commenters. However, you can apply these same principles when managing your own blog comments as well as when you comment on other blogs elsewhere on the Internet.

As always, we warmly welcome and invite you to be an active participant in the blog discussion threads!

In order to have some civility and order to the blog discussion, here are some guidelines we use to moderate the discussion:

Blog Comment Policy Guidelines

Content Orientation

  • VALUE: Your blog comments or questions should have a desire to add meaningful value to the discussion and be relevant.

  • WORD COUNT: Please be respectful of everyone's time by keeping your comments brief (such as under 500-750 words or less).

  • TONE: This business blog discussion is not a democracy or freedom of speech blog. It is our intention to keep the tone upbeat and focus on the positive in a manner that encourages learning, discussion, respectful debate, and knowledge sharing.

  • LONG-LASTING: Remember that your blog comments are not editable after you make don't say anything you wouldn't mind knowing will be online for a very long time.

  • SPELLING/GRAMMAR: We reserve the right to fix common spelling and grammar mistakes, including sentence structure or punctuation, but do not guarantee that we will catch or fix any mistakes that you make. We use American English as our standard, but will normally allow all variations of ENGLISH words in this blog, provided they are spelled properly in your native English dialect. Sorry, we do not accept comments in non-English languages.

Rules of Engagement

  • CORDIAL: Personal attacks (direct and passive aggressive) and flame wars will not be tolerated. We are a professional business forum and expect everyone who participates to keep a "cool head" when the passion of a discussion becomes heated. We will not allow comments that constitute a racial or sexual slur against any person or groups of people.

  • TROLLING IS INTOLERABLE: Comments from "Blog Trolls" will be deleted. A troll is someone who posts garbage to bait a discussion or they only are interested in promoting their website or their client's website; also known as "comment spammers."

  • NO EXPLETIVES: Keep your language relatively clean. Our anti-comment spam software may not even accept your comment if you swear in it.

Logistics and Process

  • MODERATION: New commenters are moderated for their first post and then will be allowed to automatically post without initial moderation; but given enough time, all comments are reviewed by one of our blog moderators to ensure quality and relevancy in the discussion.

  • NAME: You get to list your NAME and (1) WEBSITE URL with each post. Our blog software will automatically remember this information each time you post. Your website URL will be linked up to your NAME, as is for standard blog comment etiquette. Sorry, we won't allow keyword stuffing or the use of targeted keywords for your "NAME" field link.

  • VALID EMAIL ADDRESS REQUIRED: Every comment must include a valid email address. Your email address will be kept private unless you make your NAME as your email address or you include your email address in your blog comments (this is a practice we don't recommend).

  • SIG LINES: We will NOT ALLOW SIG LINES WITH LINKS below your comments. They will be removed if you add them. We consider adding SIG lines with URL's as 'double dipping' because you already received an active link to your name in each comment. Our goal is "one link:one post" with this policy. You can include a title or a closing salutation, but no self-serving active links or sales pitches please.

  • 3RD-PARTY MATERIALS: It is okay to link to RELEVANT 3rd-party websites, but affiliate links are not allowed. The rel="NOFOLLOW" tag will be used for all 3rd-party relevant website links given by any commenter.

  • SUBSCRIBING TO COMMENTS VIA EMAIL: By default, when you leave a comment, you will receive email notifications every time a new comment is left on any blog entry that you commented on. You can unsubscribe at any time. We respect your privacy and will never sell or rent your email address.

Rights and Formalities

  • RESPECT PRIVACY: You may not copy and paste private emails you received from someone else in your blog comments. This is bad form and not tolerated. It's a privacy issue.

  • OUR RIGHT: We reserve the right to delete comments for any reason at any time and to do so without explanation. We may delete comments which attack us or our authors, publishers, members, friends, colleagues, heroes, or admirers.

  • AGREEMENT: By submitting your comments to the Blog, you grant us permission to republish your comment(s) without restriction, notification, or compensation. You acknowledge that you alone are fully responsible for each comment you make, including inaccuracies or potentially libelous statements. You will retain copyright to all comments posted on this blog. You agree to not disclose proprietary or confidential information. You grant us the right in perpetuity to use, alter, and/or display your comments however we see fit.

  • BLOG COMMENT REPRINT RIGHTS: No permission is granted to use any comment in this blog outside of this blog without the written permission by the person who posted the blog comment.

  • BLOG RSS FEED SYNDICATION POLICY: If you have a relevant article writing and/or marketing audience that could benefit from the Blog discussion, you may syndicate our blog RSS feed only on your website (and/or for your personal non-commercial use), but you may not syndicate the full blog post for each entry ... only the title, summary, and link that is included in the RSS feed may be used. You may not syndicate any of the blog comments feeds as these are for personal RSS reader use only. We may revoke at any time for any reason the right to syndicate our blog RSS feed if we feel your use is not appropriate in our sole determination.

  • FINAL AGREEMENT: Lastly, you agree that we may change our blog comment policies at any time and without notice to you for any reason.

Have a comment or question about any of the above guidelines? Let us know - we'd love to hear from you!

Want more tips about blog commenting to increase your exposure and credibility? Check out the Top 7 Blog Commenting Best Practices.

(c) COPYRIGHT 2014 by CHRISTOPHER M. KNIGHT EZINEARTICLES.COM. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this blog comment policy may be lifted or used without written permission.

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

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Bruce Kaler M.D. "... establish your voice and brand ..."

The marketing principle of giving away of something of value for free in order to sell something else, resonated with me. It is also a way to establish your voice and brand in a more structured professional manner than typical social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, et al. They have their place and are useful to an author/writer. However, the growth of the internet creates a huge demand for quality content. I still think the key is to write "quality content". If it is well written, accessible, and of timely interest to people it will get plenty of attention. EzineArticles is a wonderful reservoir of good content on many topics.

Bruce Kaler M.D.

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